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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Carl Peterson’

Ah, but I was so much older then, I”'m younger than that now!

Ah, but I was so much older then, I”'m younger than that now!

By Robert Albee Our good friend Carl Peterson turned 100 years old this year on January 6th! Happy 100th Birthday, Carl! It got me to thinking”¦ If my father were still alive, he would be 101 now. He suddenly departed at age 66. And his father passed even earlier, yet to my eyes, he seemed much older than my father ever did or than myself now. At age 68, I”'ve outlived my father by two years despite the fact that I smoked heavily for 40 of them. With diabetes and having a heart attack some years ago, I count every day as a blessing! Yet when I think of Carl, I”'m still a pup! I don”'t think of myself as an old person, a senior citizen, or an elderly person. In fact, I hate those terms, because they seem to pigeon-hole us into frail, helpless beings just “fixin”' to die. Far from it! Look at Carl, our Phillips role model! Look around at elders not rocking in a chair, but rocking the boat! Or engaging the younger ones in the community. And not [...]

Happy Birthday: Wendell Phillips @ 199 & Phillips Community”'s Carl @ 99

Happy Birthday: Wendell Phillips @ 199 & Phillips Community”'s Carl @ 99

by Harvey Winje Wendell Phillips”' 199th Birthday is November 29, 2010.  Phillips Community proudly uses his name and legacy advocating for peace and justice for all.  The Alley Newspaper celebrates Wendell”'s 199th Birthday with the exclusive, Special Edition, Spirit of Phillips cartoon collage below by Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway and with birthday cake on Dec. 3rd at the Alley”'s Annual Gathering (see page 5). The Alley Newspaper will celebrate  Wendell”'s 200th Birthday with a special event in 2011. Carl Peterson looks forward to completing and celebrating 99 years on January 6th 2011.  Carl is the consummate Elder of Phillips Community with sustained, gentle leadership for 70 years.   Carl is an extraordinary Phillips Community metal artisan and keeper of history.   He has garnered ornate artifacts in his own “Rube Goldberg” museum and with boxes of photographs and papers supplemented by his hundreds of stories.  At [...]

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