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Friday February 28th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘CHATs’

PROJECT S.E.L.F. (Save, Educate, Liberate, Free) CHAT

PROJECT S.E.L.F. (Save, Educate, Liberate, Free) CHAT

Recent Project S.E.L.F. Annual Ice Cream Social and Free Henna Decoration Project S.E.L.F. (SAVE EDUCATE LIBERATE FREE) is an Immigrant Health CHAT group that established a program called “Nomadic Expressions” which aims to assist youth, elders and families in healthy living and artistic expressions through poetry, open microphone performances, information workshops and community dialogue. The face of immigrant youth in our society has been negative as there is often more emphasis on those engaged in negative behaviors. Immigrant youth in our community are misguided and confused by conflicting messages between mainstream society and their original cultural ways. Communication across generations is strained and challenging. Youth are not responsive to guidance from the elders and are conflicted by peer pressure. (more…)

Somali Women”'s Health Support Group CHAT

Somali Women”'s Health Support Group CHAT

“If you educate a woman, you educate the nation.” - African Proverb The original plan for the Somali Women”'s Health Support Group CHAT was to promote communication, understanding, and support among women of the Somali community who have children in the judicial system by creating spaces and systems for them to talk, connect and assist each other. The aim was to provide women room to express themselves and to explore ways in which the cultural systems of discipline could be used to avoid the intervention of the US judicial system. The hope was this effort would help to maintain the balance and harmony of the community. However, after forming the group and receiving special training on how to interface with the prison system, it was discovered by the women that they would not be able to visit the prisons wearing their hijabs or head scarves for the sake of their own safety. By this time though, bonds had formed between the women and they had shared other ways [...]

BYI Teams Creating Connections and Resources for Health

By Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center In the last two months the BackYard Initiative Update highlighted the work of eleven Citizen Health Action Teams (CHATs) that have been working over the past year to improve the health of BYI residents. There are a total of 14 CHATs now meeting in the Backyard community and this update highlights the work of the other seven CHATs. The Backyard is defined as the approximately one square mile area surrounding Allina”'s corporate headquarters. Residents of these seven neighborhoods in south Minneapolis have been supported by the Cultural Wellness Center to develop and implement their ideas for community health improvement since December of 2008. Allina has been contributing the funds for these projects, with additional support from Twin Cities LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation). Each of the CHATs is growing the community”'s capacity to increase residents”' knowledge and skills that help people to take better [...]

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