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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Clyde Bellecourt’

March 2013 Spirit of Phillips

March 2013 Spirit of Phillips

A Frank Reflection: “Trespassing” at Crystal Court and Dakota Land

By Frank Erickson The definition of trespassing is ”“ “an unlawful act causing injury to the person, property, or rights of another, committed with force or violence, actual or implied”¦a wrongful entry upon the lands of encroachment or intrusion.” Now this more amply defines what whites did to the Dakota, than what Native Elder Clyde Bellecourt did to whites at the Crystal Court in the IDS Center on Christmas Eve. For whites to even have trespassing laws to lock up Clyde Bellecourt, they had to first have an encroachment, an intrusion, a wrongful entry upon Dakota lands, land that the Crystal Court now sits upon. Who”'s Crystal Court is it, who really has the right to be there? It was said that “none of the Christmas Eve shoppers were inconvenienced or prevented from doing anything they wanted to do”', by the Native protestors””and if they were inconvenienced, what creates a Crystal Court world where the rights of [...]

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