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Thursday February 27th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Gardening’

Let’s Get This Garden Started!

Let’s Get This Garden Started!

By MARY ELLEN KALUZA Dreaming of spring and summer... (illustrations by Jessie Merriam, photos by Mary Ellen Kaluza of her garden) March in Minnesota. The days are noticeably longer. We are longing to have dirt under our nails. But isn't it too early? There's still snow on the ground. It's the perfect time to get the garden started. First: Plan your garden Know your space””how much sun do you get in the different areas? Put your parka on and go outside. Imagine the trees are fully leafed-out and the sun moving high across the sky. Most vegetables need a lot of sun. Leafy greens can do well in more shaded areas and may actually produce larger leaves valiantly trying to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Save the sunniest areas for tomatoes, peppers, and other fruiting plants. Carrots and other root vegetables will tolerate some shade. Make your wish list, then pare it down to fit your space. Map out your garden with sun and plant size in mind. Buy your [...]

Hey Gardeners

By Brad Pass It”'s NOT too early to start thinking about Garden fresh tomatoes, herbs and squash, It only seems so if you look outside. So - crank up your imagination and conjure mental pictures of spading warm loam, planting and tending the food and flowers for 2013. Gardening News: The East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden (2428 17th Ave. S.) has a few openings for garden plots every spring. If you are an East Phillips resident and are interested, Contact Brad Pass at bpass@usinternet.com to get on the Wait List. For immediate attention, add “GARDEN” in caps to the subject line. The First Garden General Membership meeting of the 2013 Gardening season; WHEN? Saturday, April. 13th Time? 10:00 AM Where? The East Phillips Park Community Center (2307 17th Ave. S.) Garden Plots will be assigned, and Plot fees will be collected, and Sign-up for Garden Work Groups The Local Food Resource Hubs Network provides support to residents who [...]

Taking Root

Taking Root

By Margaret Shields Taking Root is a beginning gardener class series for new gardeners interested in growing their own food. This 6-class series takes place in a community garden in East Phillips, and brings you through an entire growing season in Minnesota, with a class held approximately once a month between May and October. Cost: $30 for the whole series! Pre-registration required. Class Topics: Garden Planning and Gardening Basics Early May Transplanting, Mulching and General Garden Maintenance Early June Planting for Fall, Crop Rotation and Harvesting Techniques Mid July Height-of-Summer Trouble-Shooting Mid August Late Summer Harvesting, Fall Planting and Cover Crops Mid September Garlic Planting, Preparing for Winter, Vermiculture Composting Mid October About the Instructor: Nick Schneider is a gardener and professional chef. Nick has been a community gardener for 11 years, a gardening instructor for six, and a market gardener for 3 years. His passion for [...]

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