Posts Tagged ‘Holiday’
‘Tis The Season To Be Distressed. Or Not.
By MARY ELLEN KALUZA Despite what marketing executives would have us believe, the Holiday Season is not a warm, carefree, cozy time for many, if not most of us. It is a season packed with stress—emotional stress, time stress, expectation stress, financial stress—the list goes on, much of it related to gift-giving. A lot of our gift-giving is about wanting others to love us, or our own self-esteem. How many of the grandparents reading this, feel like buying gifts for a grandchild is a competition with the other set of grandparents? Or, are you parents competing with an ex-spouse for children's love? Would you like to stop the whole family gift exchange because it is a financial burden, but your better-off siblings don’t? Studies show that we get more happiness and long-lasting memories out of experiences rather than material objects. Spend a minute right now and scan your memories. Do you find long gone stuff in there, or do you find time with someone you loved? One [...]