Posts Tagged ‘Hope Community’
Partners in the Backyard Initiative
Allina Health: The Center for Health Care Research & Innovation researches new care models to transform health and health care and seeks collaborative partnerships as it fosters innovative approaches to providing care. Cultural Wellness Center: is a non-profit community-based organization dedicated to developing cultural approaches for positively impacting health and health care, economic development, and community building. Hope Community: A Phillips community development organization committed to deep community engagement. Hope Community led the process of engaging non-profit organizations in the Backyard. Portico Healthnet: A nonprofit health and human services organization that helps uninsured Minnesotans access affordable health coverage and care.
Engagement with Organizations

Under the leadership of Hope Community, the BYI organizational team implemented a plan to research the interests and needs of community organizations in the Backyard area. Hope Community held one to one interviews and listening circles with 34 organizational leaders representing 31 organizations to provide an update about the BYI and hear their issues. Several key themes emerged: Support for the BYI definition of health and its focus on social connectedness as an important strategy to improve health. Organizations feel “silo- d” and isolated as immediate demands and inadequate funding make it difficult to take on new projects. Organizations are overwhelmingly interested in continuing to be involved in the work of the BYI if it is productive and action-focused. In response to resident”'s request for better understanding of available resources from organizations, the first ever comprehensive inventory of non-profits in the Backyard was completed. The [...]
“For little fellers, not the Rockefellers”¦the improvement of people”'s lives”¦the cause of peace and justice.” ”“Paul Wellstone

“I”'m for the little fellers, not the Rockefellers. Politics is not about power. Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement of people”'s lives. It”'s about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.” Paul Wellstone”'s voice and life that spoke and lived those words was silenced seven and one-half years ago in a plane crash that killed him, Sheila, his wife, Marcia, his daughter, and five others.* On Friday, March 19th, Gera Pobuda, artist, organizer, and teacher, unveiled the stunning screen-print portrait she had made of him and is donating to Hope Community. It will be hung on the wall of the Community Center in their newest building on the northeast corner of Franklin and Portland and named for Sheila and Paul Wellstone. Fittingly, she seems to have been [...]