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Tuesday July 16th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘John Charles Wilson’

Metro Transit: Bus Service Changes, Coming and Planned

Metro Transit: Bus Service Changes, Coming and Planned

By JOHN CHARLES WILSON Metro Transit’s quarterly service changes on 26 Match 2022 that affect the alley readership area are as follows: The Orange Line’s 15 minute southbound frequency is being extended from 7 to 8 PM.Route 2 will have minor adjustments to better reflect current usage.Route 5 will have minor adjustments to better reflect real travel times.Route 14 will have less morning school day trips to South and Roosevelt High Schools, and will run every 20 minutes instead of every 15 minutes during rush hours.Route 22 will have minor adjustments to reflect real travel times downtown and will also be cut to once every 20 minutes instead of every 15 minutes during rush hours.Route 27 will have schedule adjustments for better connections with the Orange Line. In addition to this, Metro Transit is planning to make Route 22 more efficient, starting in August 2022, by simplifying the route and by cutting back on stops to increase speed. The simplifications include [...]

Transit: Happy New Year, People of Phillips!

By JOHN CHARLES WILSON Well, the year 2021 is drawing to a close and 2022 is just now starting. As a transit enthusiast, I have a lot to be disappointed in and a lot to look forward to, and I hope alley readers feel the same. What was disappointing was primarily that the pandemic has decimated transit usage to the point where many bus and train routes have been curtailed. I had hoped things would be back to normal by now, but I suspect this is the new normal. The rise in attacks on innocent transit users, especially on unsupervised trains, is very disconcerting. There are people who now eschew the light rail for slower buses because they are perceived as safer. The fact that there is a shortage of bus and train drivers doesn’t help any, either. However, there are reasons to be hopeful for a better future: Maybe even if humans don’t beat coronavirus, we may find a way to have an uneasy truce with it. Maybe we will find a happy medium with security/law enforcement where [...]

Onward, Funding Transit!

By JOHN CHARLES WILSON  METRO TRANSIT  October 2020 has been an excellent month for Twin Cities transit enthusiasts. We are finally getting guaranteed funding for three and a half projects:  ● The Federal Transit Administration made a Full Funding Grant Agreement with the State of Minnesota for the Green Line extension to Eden Prairie. This provides $928.8 million towards the $2,002 million needed for the project, with the remainder being funded locally. Construction has been under way for two years, and completion is expected by 2023.  ● The Minnesota House passed an infrastructure bonding bill which provides funds to start construction of the B and D Lines, which are bus rapid transit. The B Line is planned for Lake Street as a faster version of Route 21, similar to Route 53 except for using Selby Ave. in Saint Paul rather than I-94. The D Line will be a faster version of Route 5, serving the Chicago Ave. S. and Fremont Ave. N. corridors. [...]

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