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Sunday March 2nd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Karen Clark’

Party planned for Karen Clark

Party planned for Karen Clark

Beyond Wisconsin

by Peter Molenaar March 13, 2011”¦ There were pleasant greetings between the handful of neighborhood folk who attended the most recent rally in Hudson. David Bicking was there. His handmade sign read: “Labor Creates All Wealth”. In jest, I pondered out loud, “Oh, I thought ownership of the means of production created wealth.” And then, yet another great semi-truck roared beneath our occupied overpass. Honk. Honk. Honnkkk”¦ Are public workers being unjustly scape-goated? Well, for starters, millions of good paying American jobs have been shipped overseas. And then came huge tax breaks for super-wealthy people in a time of war. To which we must add some wildly irresponsible Wall Street speculations and sub-prime mortgage schemes which culminated in a $700 billion bailout. You be the judge. My own handmade sign read simply: “Tax the rich”. Some long ago training as a draftsman found a nice expression. Requests for photo poses [...]

On The FBI Raids

by Peter Molenaar The basic facts: The FBI raided five homes and an anti-war office on September 24, 2010.  Federal grand jury subpoenas were handed to nine local activists.  The activists include eight women and one man ranging in age from 29 to 71.  Four are parents of children ranging in age from 18 months to 6 years of age.  One is a great-grandmother.  Six are members of labor unions.  All have been involved in international solidarity and peace work for many years.  They are friends and neighbors to each and every one of us. So, now they all face jail time for refusing the initial subpoena.  Conceivably, the period of incarceration might be extended “indefinitely” in the event the grand jury reconvenes with this in mind.  Representative Clark and Senator Berglin have received praise for resolving against this intrusion. (more…)

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