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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Kathee Foran’

Foran has retired from In the Heart of the Beast Theatre A Public Tribute to Honor and Thank Kathee Foran for 14 years at the helm, off stage, dedicated leadership

by Sandy Spieler Thank You Kathee Foran!!!! Please join us in honoring Kathee Foran for her many years of service to In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre and the Lake Street Business community. A thank you party will take place at In The Heart of the Beast Theatre on November 10th from 5:30 to 7:30pm. All are invited! Kathee Foran began work with In The Heart of the Beast as an organizer of educational touring shows and residency programs. In 1996 she became the Executive Director, joining the Artistic Director and a vibrant team of staff artists and administrators to carry out the daily work of the theatre and to assure its ongoing financial viability. Kathee”'s tenure featured several improvements for the theatre”'s home base on East Lake Street including finalizing the purchase of Avalon Theater, and working with the Neighborhood Development Corporation  and the Latino Economic Development Corporation   to renovate and open Plaza Verde [...]

Memories of Leon: Being with Leon, you are the focus

by Jonathan Miller Without Leon Oman I would probably be unemployed right now. No, Leon didn”'t personally give me a job, but the strong impression he left on me during my internship with The Alley Newspaper did steer me away from the career path I was on”“Magazine journalism. We all know how swimmingly that industry is fairing right now and in part because of Leon, I realized that believing in what I do is very important to me and I moved into non-profit communications. Leon was my mentor and advisor during my first internship with The Alley Newspaper way back in 1999. The focus of the project was to get children and teenagers involved in the paper, so Leon was the natural choice for two reasons: 1. He worked at Andersen School. 2. He knows EVERYONE in Phillips and EVERYONE knows him and respects him. Leon was always able to make time to provide guidance or give me background on the complex dynamics of the Phillips Community even though he was constantly being pulled [...]

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