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Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Lake Street Council’

Return to Street Cars?

Return to Street Cars?

By Joyce Wisdom Meetings about street cars in Mpls. are happening at various levels of policy making.  . The Twin City Rapid Transit Company opened the Lake Street Station in 1910.  It was one of six car-houses for the Mpls/StP. system.  In 1920 TCRT had 530 miles of track, 1,021 streetcars & 238 million riders. Lake Street Station housed 180 streetcars and 500 employees: motormen and conductors,, mechanics and cleaners and a few office workers. The station ran 24/7. Twice a day the number of streetcars doubled for rush hours. The system was dismantled in 1954 in favor of buses.  The Lake Street Station was demolished. The land was redeveloped as Hi-Lake Shopping Center. Good news: Before and After photos & history at 62 such Historic places on Lake Street  beginning late June 2012;  Watch for Lake Street Council”'s “Museum in the Streets.”Â  It will be very exciting and informative.

“Tell Me a Story””¦in Kathleen Anderson”'s Words

“Tell Me a Story””¦in Kathleen Anderson”'s Words

Lake Street Council is working hard this year to collect and promote the history of this area. The first stage to this project is collecting oral histories of longtime residents. Here”'s part of the interview with Kathleen Anderson, longtime district director for Congressman Martin Sabo, who lived in Longfellow growing up. Please visit to watch the whole video interview with Kathleen and others! And if you are a longtime resident who remembers well the Lake Street from decades past, and would like your story recorded, please get in touch with us! Call 612-824-7420 or email By Kathleen Anderson as told to Chris Oien I lived on 39th St. & 44th Ave., which is about 9 blocks from Lake Street, and several blocks from the river. Mostly we would ride our bikes, or I would take the 42nd Ave. bus to about 36th St. and then transfer to the Lake Street bus. Sometimes we”'d go east toward the river, there was an ice [...]

“Tell Me a Story””¦in Joyce Krook”'s words

“Tell Me a Story””¦in Joyce Krook”'s words

Lake Street Council is working hard this year to collect and promote the history of the Lake Street area. The first stage to this project is collecting oral histories of longtime residents. We started with Alley ally Joyce Krook. Here are some excerpts of Joyce recalling her childhood growing up in the Hennepin & Lake area. Please visit to watch the whole video interview with Joyce and others! And if you are a longtime resident who remembers well the Lake Street from decades past, and would like your story recorded, please get in touch with us! Call 612-824-7420 or email Joyce Krook Reminisces about childhood near Lake Street About the apartment Joyce & her family lived in near Lake Street After we moved to 29th & Dupont, we lived there until 1955 so that was quite a few years. ”¦ It was a four-plex. I have no idea how old the building was. We lived upstairs. It was a one bedroom apartment and it [...]

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