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Thursday January 30th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘League of Women Voters’

Help for Voters Living with Disabilities

Help for Voters Living with Disabilities

The fifth in a series of articles about the 2021 Municipal Elections brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis. journalistresources.com The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), landmark legislation that prohibits discrimination against individuals living with disabilities, has put the force of law behind mandates for equal access in all areas of civic life, including access for voting. Voting accessibility is essential to ensure that all people have the right and ability to vote, regardless of their mobility or their physical, communication or other limitations. Minnesota has made strides in improving access to voting for all. In addition to the requirement that polling places be physically accessible, here are a few accommodations that may provide individuals living with disabilities better access to the ballot box: ASSISTANCE: You can bring anyone to assist you while you vote, except your employer or union rep, or you can get assistance from election [...]

Vote, Then Take a Hike!

Vote, Then Take a Hike!

Vote, Then Take a Hike Part 3 in a series of articles about the 2021 municipal elections, brought to you by the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis When did you last enjoy a park? Did you have a picnic? Did you watch a little league game or take a knitting class? Minneapolis parks offer any activities a creative mind can imagine. The many facets of the park system are overseen by nine commissioners elected by YOU. One position for each of six park districts and three at-large positions are up for election this fall.  Meeting monthly, these commissioners are responsible for maintaining park properties, developing new sites to equitably serve residents”™ needs, and proposing policies that govern the use and safety of the 180 park properties, 55 miles of parkways, 12 formal gardens, seven golf courses, and 49 recreation centers in our city. They also appoint the superintendent who implements the board policies, overseeing the budget and staff of more than 600 [...]

Why Should You Care About City Elections?

Why Should You Care About City Elections?

Part 2 in a series of articles about the 2021 Municipal Elections brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis If you drive a car, walk, bicycle, live in a house or apartment, breathe the air, have a pet, discard trash, flush the toilet, or eat or drink in a restaurant, then, as a resident of Minneapolis, you have a vested interest in who runs our city. If your concern is safety, policing, and civil rights, your interests are even more relevant this year. City council members ”“ one elected from each of Minneapolis”™ 13 wards - make the laws and policies that govern the city. They approve budgets, levy taxes and elect a council president who sets the council”™s agenda and presides over meetings. Council members serve on committees that focus on specific issues like housing & zoning, public health & safety, public works and budgeting. The city council writes the rules that govern nearly every aspect of the city that impacts our [...]

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