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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Saturday March 1st 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Patrick Cabello Hansel’

Green Tomato Cook-Off Results

by Claudia Slovacek Although it was a smaller turnout for the 10th annual Green Tomato Cook-off, the results of the cooks just keep getting better each year. We added a fourth category this year for dishes made with a MN produce/product and then blended it with the original three categories of sweets, savories and sauces/condiments. Sue Hunter Weir walked off with $100 as her prize for best of show with her Tomato Feta Pie (little triangles of phyllo hugging a delicious concoction of feta and green tomatoes). Stop by the 12th and 13th Avenue Community Garden sometime at 2727 12th Avenue and maybe Sue will share her recipe. (more…)

Searching ”“ A Serial Novelle Chapter 17: Family History [“Paper” proof of birth]

By Patrick Cabello Hansel As the party wound down, Angel danced one more dance with Luz. As the song melted away and they began to release their embrace, he noticed who was left in the room: Mr. Bussey, talking with Mother Light and Ana; Luz”' grandmother Dolores, and Angel”'s father, Augusto. It was nearly 11, and though tomorrow meant heavy work, Angel could tell no one felt like ending this party. There was still an hour left in December 12, one hour to celebrate la Virgen de Guadalupe. He called to Mr. Bussey: “Hey, where can we go to keep celebrating Guadalupe on such a beautiful cold night?” Mr. Bussey scratched his head and said, “The only place I know that”'s open is Denny”'s.” “Denny”'s!” Angel shouted. “Do you think they celebrate Guadalupe there?” Luz laughed. “I think it”'s the perfect place for Guadalupe Night!” So they put on their jackets and walked outside. [...]

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