Posts Tagged ‘Phillips Junior High School’
March Phillips What? Where? Contest
Answer these any 3 of the following 5 questions correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $10.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue. 1. How many years between when Phillips Junior High School (12th Av. And 23rd built 1926 exactly similar to Sanford Middle School on 42nd Ave So.) was torn down and the Mpls. School Board bought Mt. Sinai Hospital four blocks away and remodeled it into a school? 2. The last “society” family to occupy a large mansion in Phillips Community was: Turnblad family, publisher of the Mpls. Posten, at 26th and Park. The Bell family at 24th and Park Cowles family, owner and publisher of the Star Tribune and its forerunners Crosby family at 22nd and Park. 3. How many schools can you name that were torn down in Phillips? 4. Welna Hardware on Bloomington Avenue used to be on the east side of the street and its previous owner was John Dalsin Roofing and Sheet Metal Company who had moved it from original [...]