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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday September 11th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Powderhorn Park’

Powderhorn Joins Minneapolis Edible Boulevards!

Powderhorn Joins Minneapolis Edible Boulevards!

Elder Hope Flanagan led a foraging class at Four Sisters Farm in East Phillips on June provided by Minneapolis Edible Boulevards By MICHELLE SHAW, Minneapolis Edible Boulevards Do you live in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood? If so, you can now join your neighbors who live in Cedar Riverside, Ventura Village, Midtown Phillips, Phillips West and East Phillips by applying for an edible boulevard. Hindolo Pokawa, the new environmental justice community coordinator for the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA), has been leading the effort to bring the two groups together. He is just as passionate as Minneapolis Edible Boulevards about having Powderhorn residents participate in this movement. “Our human and ecological relationships are based on extracting and exploiting each other and the environment. If we do not interact, know how people are feeling, or know the impact of our extractive and exploitative dynamics, ideas would never generate,” Pokawa [...]

Update on the Backyard Initiative “Tell Me a Story” and Diabetes Projects Receive Support

Update on the Backyard Initiative “Tell Me a Story” and Diabetes Projects Receive Support

by Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center In August, the Commission on Health, a citizen group of people who live in the Phillips community or in the Powderhorn Park, Central, or Corcoran neighborhoods, gave its support to two more projects developed by Citizen Health Action Teams of the Backyard Initiative. The Backyard Initiative is a partnership between Allina and the community surrounding Allina headquarters to develop ways to improve the health of the community. Communications/ “Tell Me a Story” CHAT One of the goals of the BYI Initiative is to build the capacity and skills of residents in any ways that will contribute to their overall health. At the CHAT meetings, people often talk about how giving people opportunities to express themselves is a crucial component of health; it is one of the statements in the BYI definition of health.  The “Purpose Statement” for the Communication CHAT is: “Working to lessen or eliminate the divide [...]

We Want Your Ideas For Health Improvement! Backyard Initiative Update

We Want Your Ideas For Health Improvement! Backyard Initiative Update

by Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center & Paula Fynboh, Allina Health System Join a BYI Citizen Health Action Team (CHAT) The Backyard Initiative has moved to a new phase. Community residents who live in the Backyard area (the Phillips neighborhoods, Central, Powderhorn Park, and Corcoran) are now meeting twice a month to develop projects that improve the health of residents. We want to involve more community residents in this work. If you have an interest in working with your neighbors on a health-improvement project, and/or if you have a great idea to bring to the dialogue, please join us. CHATs now meeting: 1. Rebirthing Community: Bringing Elders and Youth Together: Focused on bringing elders and youth together for a “rebirthing” of community. The team has discussed mentoring and visual arts as a way to bring the generations together. 2. Establishing Anchor Families: Seeking to establish “anchor families” on each block who can teach [...]

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