Posts Tagged ‘St. Paul’s Church’
Mixed Bag
by Peter Molenaar Unlike the esteemed guru who, it is said, once transcended all earthly attachments, the rest of us are bound to the spiritual ups and downs which reflect the satisfactions and irritations of our existence. St. Paul”'s Church, 11-11-11”¦ It was in conjunction with the 200th birthday of Wendell Phillips, renowned opponent of all forms of oppression, that this paper celebrated its 36 years. The evening unfolded as a high pinnacle event for the activist community of this neighborhood. There was as well a high-point moment for this writer. Despite his many years of socialist rantings in the space of this column, there was a warm ovation from an audience which included small business people. So, let it be said: The Welnas and Ingebretsens will have their place well into the future. (more…)
199 Years later Wendell Phillips is still in “All the news that”'s fit to print.”

Wendell Phillips, Phillips Community”'s namesake, still makes news as the agitator and moral guide. The following article was in the New York Times this month. Following the article, we have printed an e-mail exchange between the author of the article and James B. Stewart, Macalaster College, St. Paul. Stewart is a professor of history and scholar/author of the life of Wendell Phillips. On Dec. 3rd 2010, The Alley Newspaper will celebrate Wendell”'s 199th birthday with a special carrot cake from Franklin Street Bakery at St. Paul”'s Church on 28th St and 15th Ave. from 6:00- 8:00 PM along with a Fundraising Silent Auction. Next year, The Alley will have a special 200th Anniversary of Wendell”'s birthday. We”'re hoping to have James Stewart join us that day to help underscore the still relevant admonitions of Ann Green Phillips and Wendell Phillips. The Abolitionist”'s Epiphany By Adam Goodheart Boston, Nov. 7, [...]