Posts Tagged ‘theater’
Once Upon a Winter Night

A World Premiere by Michael SommersMarch 3 - 20, 2022 Open Eye Theatre Mainstage 506 E. 24th StreetMinneapolis, MN For tickets and COVID-19 requirements, visit An intimate new show celebrating a season of magic, melancholy, and mischief-making. Intended as a fairytale for grown-ups, Once Upon a Winter Night explores the merriment and menace of winter through a child’s eyes, while meditating on the profound mystery which accompanies seasonal change. Audiences will watch the story unfold within a meticulously designed snow globe, where crows take roost, icicles grow, and the moon sings above the forest and the fields. Smoke curls from the bell tower where a lone child sleeps, dreaming of a sister made of snow. Up on the mountaintop, Sister Winter looks down, wishing to steal the little girl’s warmth, so she may melt into the sea and transition into something new. The ensuing adventure–both playful and perilous–begins when Sister [...]
November Random alley News

By LINDSEY FENNER Nonfatal Opioid Overdoses Saw a Sharp Increase in 2020: A new report out from the Minnesota Department of Health looks at nonfatal overdose trends in Minnesota from 2016 to 2020. From 2019 to 2020 alone, the number of nonfatal overdoses involving opioids increased 43%, with the increase most pronounced in the 7-county metro region. American Indian Minnesotans were nine times more likely and African American Minnesotans were three times more likely than white Minnesotans to experience a nonfatal overdose. Younger people are also more likely to experience a nonfatal overdose, with Minnesotans aged 15-34 experiencing the largest number of nonfatal overdoses, accounting for 55% of all nonfatal overdose Emergency Department visits. See the October 2021 alley for the steps to reverse an opioid overdose. Your Feedback Wanted on City Redistricting: Every ten years, after the federal Census, political boundaries like City Council Ward and Congressional [...]
Unconventional Stories from a Firebrand

Arts, No Chaser By DWIGHT HOBBES David Daniels. Photo by Mitch Olson Quintessential firebrand David Daniels is that rarity, a performance artist who, instead of self-righteously blowing hot air, actually utilizes spoken word to send messages of consequence. An auspicious debut was his play Malcolm X Meet Peter Tosh, premiering at South Minneapolis”™ Cedar Cultural Center (1993), moving to a 2-year stint in Denver (Mercury Cafe), its popularity there and at other venues starting his career off with considerable traction. He made his home here and recalls, “I feel fortunate to have been part of a rich counter-cultural Minneapolis. My time living on the West Bank and working at the New Riverside Cafe brought me into it. The West Bank was Haight-Asbury long after the Haight was just a memory for the counter-culture. Its blend of artists activists and [...]