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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Saturday March 1st 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Wendell Phillips’

March 2013 Spirit of Phillips

March 2013 Spirit of Phillips

The next NEW PWW Photo will appear in January 2012 Including THE BEST EVER PWW RESPONSE

The one and only correct contestant for the November Phillips What Where was by Matthew Roed.  We have never had such a thorough answer along with additional commentary about Phillips.  Here it is in its entirety:  Dear Editor: My name is Matthew Roed and I live in Golden Valley and work at Abbott Northwestern Hospital where I read the Alley in the cafeteria after working night shift at Sister Kenny Institute as a Registered Nurse. I would like to submit my guess for the Phillips What Where for November 2011. Since I work in this neighborhood, I felt that I should know why it was so named and who inspired the naming. So I decided to figure it out... (more…)

Jim Stewart”'s article in The Alley Prompts Visitor to Create a Wood Type Poster of Wendell Phillips

Jim Stewart”'s article in The Alley Prompts Visitor to Create a Wood Type Poster of Wendell Phillips

A poster marking Wendell Phillips”' 200th birthday, nailed to a power pole in the former copper mining town of Calumet, in Michigan”'s Upper Peninsula. Daniel Schneider, who lives in Michigan”'s copper district, nailed up 11 of the wood type posters in Calumet and surrounding mining towns on November 11, 2011. A novice letterpress printer, Schneider had printed the posters at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts the previous weekend after reading about Phillips in the November issue of The Alley. He left one edition of 11 eleven prints in Minneapolis to be posted in the Phillips neighborhood. (more…)

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