Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Saturday March 1st 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Wendell Phillips’

March 2011 Daves”' Dumpster

March 2011 Daves”' Dumpster

199 Years later Wendell Phillips is still in “All the news that”'s fit to print.”

199 Years later Wendell Phillips is still in “All the news that”'s fit to print.”

Wendell Phillips, Phillips Community”'s namesake, still makes news as the agitator and moral guide.  The following article was in the New York Times this month.  Following the article, we have printed an e-mail exchange between the author of the article and James B. Stewart, Macalaster College, St. Paul.  Stewart is a professor of history and scholar/author of the life of Wendell Phillips. On Dec. 3rd 2010, The Alley Newspaper will celebrate Wendell”'s 199th birthday with a special carrot cake from Franklin Street Bakery at St. Paul”'s Church on 28th St and 15th Ave. from 6:00- 8:00 PM along with a Fundraising Silent Auction. Next year, The Alley will have a special 200th Anniversary of Wendell”'s birthday.  We”'re hoping to have James Stewart join us that day to help underscore the still relevant admonitions of Ann Green Phillips and Wendell Phillips. The Abolitionist”'s Epiphany By Adam Goodheart Boston, Nov. 7, [...]

Happy Birthday: Wendell Phillips @ 199 & Phillips Community”'s Carl @ 99

Happy Birthday: Wendell Phillips @ 199 & Phillips Community”'s Carl @ 99

by Harvey Winje Wendell Phillips”' 199th Birthday is November 29, 2010.  Phillips Community proudly uses his name and legacy advocating for peace and justice for all.  The Alley Newspaper celebrates Wendell”'s 199th Birthday with the exclusive, Special Edition, Spirit of Phillips cartoon collage below by Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway and with birthday cake on Dec. 3rd at the Alley”'s Annual Gathering (see page 5). The Alley Newspaper will celebrate  Wendell”'s 200th Birthday with a special event in 2011. Carl Peterson looks forward to completing and celebrating 99 years on January 6th 2011.  Carl is the consummate Elder of Phillips Community with sustained, gentle leadership for 70 years.   Carl is an extraordinary Phillips Community metal artisan and keeper of history.   He has garnered ornate artifacts in his own “Rube Goldberg” museum and with boxes of photographs and papers supplemented by his hundreds of stories.  At [...]

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