Posts Tagged ‘woody allen’
Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris Mediapro Uptown ****1/2 Cast: Owen Wilson (Gil Pender), Rachel McAdam (Inez), Mimi Kennedy (Helen Pender), kurt fuller (John Pender), Tom Hiddleson (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Marion Cotillard (Adriana), Corey Stoll (Ernest Hemingway), David Lowe (T.S.Eliot), Adrien Brody (Salvador Dali), Olivier Rabourdin (Paul Gauguin), Francois Rostain (Edgar Degas), Marcial Di Fonzo Bo (Pablo Picasso), Kathy Bates (Gertrude Stein), Michael Sheen (Paul), Thierry Hancis se (Phil), Lea Seydoux ( Gabrieela). PG-13. Running time: 100 minutes. Director: Woody Allen. “Midnight in Paris” is proof the old “hopeless” romantic director, Woody Allen, still packs a punch in his cinematic mind. Most of his more recent films such as the flat “Melinda and Melinda” (2004) and slightly entertaining “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (2008) have been rather torporific works. He wrote the screenplay for “Midnight in [...]