The Hue-MAN Partnership Project consists of health care, community engagement, and professional organizations seeking to address the health crisis among young and middle-age men, primarily men of color. The Hue-MAN Partnership Project continues to collaborate to reduce health disparities among men in the community. Moreover, the collaborative efforts have further empowered and equipped men to make healthy choices for themselves, their families and their communities. Hue-MAN has two specific focuses: Medical Health and Community Outreach. The Hue-MAN name refers to empowering men of all “hues” and “humans.”
PARADE: The Ole 4th Avenue South Day Parade is a celebration of history, culture and community located in South Minneapolis. The First Annual, Fourth Avenue Parade was held in 1991. Cultural art, musical concerts, drama and historic displays from diverse ethnic groups were shared at this annual gathering. This year, the Ole 4th Avenue South Day Parade began at Minnehaha Creek by 48th Street and 4th Avenue and ended at Green Central at 34th Street and 4th Avenue in South Minneapolis. The Hue-MAN Partnership Project and the Backyard Initiative were part of this parade and festival.
FESTIVAL: After the Ole 4th Avenue South Day Parade, the Fourth Annual Boys to Men Community Health Fair in Green Central Park began. The overall purpose of this event was to engage the community by bringing men and community organizations together to participate in health and wellness activities and to discuss various educational topics related to overall health concerns.