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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 3rd 2025

Update on the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center

By Brad Pass, Chair, East Phillips Park Community Design Team
On October 1st, the bids for the new East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center were opened. Of the thirteen bidding construction companies, not one bid exceeded the money we have available for the project and the three lowest bids came in sufficiently low so as to allow us to include EVERTHING we had cut weeks ago when we were concerned about pre-bid estimates.

We had sadly cut the Elderly and Family Gathering Space, amounting to 1,000 Sq Ft from the south end of the building. Then we eliminated sound insulating material in the gym. We eliminated all the appliances and the ventilation and make-up air system from the Kitchen along with many other less noticeable cost cutting measures including the elimination of the exterior plaza sitting wall. As a result of this, we were able to reduce the estimated building costs by just enough to warrant putting out the bids to the building construction industry. The bids were to go out in early September with a deadline of October 1st. Then, on Sept. 3rd, we were informed that our figures did not include money for a contingency fund. An additional $150,000 would be needed. The decision was made to proffer the bids anyway and hope for the best.

Now the contingency is also covered and we can even consider additional additions. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioners voted unanimously; at their october 21st meeting, the “contingent upon staff receiving the city purchasing department”'s approval letter, (the mprb) authorizes acceptance of the low bid from rochon corporation”¦to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals for construction of the east phillips cultural and community center”¦.” including all the items that had recently been eliminated.
Once the City Purchasing Department approves Rochon Corp. the bid will be awarded and we can plan a groundbreaking ceremony. The actual groundbreaking and start of construction may be in early spring to avoid winter construction fees which, if avoided, can be used for more computers, security cameras, furniture, furnishings and etc.

Now we will continue to work with the Park Staff and our Partners to create great programming and a strong volunteer base of support for our Center.

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