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Tuesday March 4th 2025

East Phillips Community Center project set for Completion State and County Add $571,328 for Environmental Cleanup

The EPCC building project is guaranteed completion because $571,328 was made available for removal and replacement of contaminated soil.

The Minnesota Dept.of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and the Hennepin Cty Environmental Response Fund (ERF) were thanked by John Erwin, Mpls. Park Bd. Pres. on July 7th. “The Park Bd appreciates the support this project has received from the State and County. So many people and organizations have worked hard to develop a facility that will effectively meet the needs of many populations and interests, and these funds ensure that the project maintains momentum,” said Erwin. [also] ”¦thanks to Dist. 61A State Rep. Karen Clark and the State Legislature, Cty. Comm. Peter McLaughlin and the HN Cty Bd, Councilmember Gary Schiff and the Mpls. City Council, and Brad and Carol Pass and EPIC”¦”

The DEED appropriation is for $300,000, which was initiated by Rep. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Pass.

“We worked very hard in the final days of the legislative session
to get funding from the Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Fund”¦,” said Rep. Clark. “It”'s critically important in this neighborhood where kids have already had exposure to numerous toxic chemicals that they have a safe place to play.”

The ERF $271,328, was supported by Peter McLaughlin and the entire Cty. Bd. Itprovides grants for environment assessment and cleanup of sites where activities have been hampered due to insufficient funding.

“The bad practices of the past have left us many sites that cannot
be reused until they are cleaned up. ”¦The coordinated
cleanup funding from the State and Hennepin County ERF have allowed parks and county youth sports funds to be invested in the community center and playing fields. That”'s great for the community and its young people,” said McLaughlin.

Construction of the $4.1 million, 14,000 sq. ft. stays “on track.” It is designed to serve the city”'s most economically-challenged and ethnically-diverse community. The Phillips area also has the greatest density of children in Mpls. It will include a teen space, computer lab and programmable rooms, and incorporate a high school-sized gym that will also accommodate events by having access to a kitchen. Completion: end of 2010.

The majority of the funding is from the State of MN. This ends an intensive 3 year community-wide, neighbor driven effort to realize a dream back to the park”'s master plan in 1997 and to neighbor”'s hopes in the 1970”'s.

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  1. […] the articles about the Changes to the Phillips Pool and Gym, building of the East Phillips Community Center and the Open Letter. Share this with your […]

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