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Friday March 14th 2025

January Programs at the Franklin Library

By Erin Thomasson

Children”'s Programs

Family Storytime
Wed. Feb. 23, 10:30 ”“11 a.m.
Age 2 & up. Share books, stories, rhymes, music, and movement with your children.

Waxbarasho iyo Ciyaar Caruureed Af-Soomaali ah/Somali Play and Learn
Fri., thru Jan. 7 & 14, 10:30a.m.”“12:30 p.m. Preschool-grade 2. Dhammaan caruurta ka yar da”' dugsi. Ka soo qaybgal sheekooyin caruur, heeso iyo hawlo waxbarasho. Soo bandhigidda barnaamijkan waxaa lala kaashaday Join us for stories, songs and activities. *

Sheeko Caruur Af-Soomaali ah/World Language Storytime: Somali Tues. thru Feb. 22, 6”“7 p.m. La wadaag bugagga, sheekoyinka, jaan-gooyada maansada iyo muusikada Soomaalida. Mashruucaan waxaa lagu maalgaliyey lacag ka timid tage Fund. Age 2 and up. Experience the world in other languages. **

Celebrate Winter
Fri. Jan. 21, 4”“5 p.m. Grade 2 and up. Join us for winter-themed stories and crafts!

Kids Book Club
Fri., Jan. 28, 4”“5 p.m. Grades 4-6. Join other kids to talk about a great book! No pre-reading required. We will read a book and discuss.

Teen Programs

Hobbies Tue., Jan. 4, 5”“7 p.m. Grade 6 and up. What do you like to do in your free time? Draw? DJ? Write? Share your favorite pastimes or learn and explore what adults in the community like to do in their free time — knit, spoken word, cook, read… the possibilities are endless! ***.

Game On! Gaming Tuesdays
Tues. thru Feb. 22, 4”“5 p.m. Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! ***

Game On! Gaming Wednesdays Wed. thru Feb. 23, 4”“4:30 p.m. Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! ***

Music Listening Club
Wed. thru Feb. 16, 4:45”“5:45 p.m. Grade 6 and up. Listen to the sounds of Kanye West, Mos Def, NAS and local artists such as Desdemona, Brother Ali and more! Focus will be on the lyrics, reading them as poems and listening to the way they”'re recited through the songs.***

Game On! Gaming Thursdays
Thur. thru Feb. 24, 4”“5 p.m.
Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! ***

Media Club Thurs. thru Feb. 24, 5”“7 p.m. Grade 6 and up. How do the different forms of media affect our lives? Talk about and examine journalism, mass media, the Internet, pop culture and much more! ***

Down Time Sat., Jan. 8, 15 & 29, 3”“ 6 p.m. Grade 6 and up. Looking for a quiet and comfortable space? Take advantage of “down time” at Franklin Teen Center! Work on the topic of the week or use our computers, board games and other self-directed activities. ***

Tronix Team Pop Can Buzzer
Tues., Jan. 11”“Feb. 8, 5”“7 p.m. Register online or call 952.847.2925. Grade 6 and up. Similar to the Lunch Box Boom Box, this unique project will allow further exploration in creating circuit boards. You also will learn some cool, new stuff about sound frequency! ***

Intermedia Arts: Understanding Media Thurs., Jan. 13, 5”“8 p.m. Grade 7 and up. Registration required – Register online or call 952.847.2925. Television, YouTube, movies, commercials, websites; youth today are surrounded by multimedia messages. Improve your media literacy skills. Learn how to look at media critically to decode how it works. **/****

Adult Programs

Seniors Play Reading Group
Fri., Jan. 14, 10:30 a.m.”“12:30 p.m. Join us for a stimulating morning of reading and discussion of some of the great plays of our heritage. *****

Nonfiction Book Discussions for Elder Learners Fri., Jan. 14, 1”“3 p.m. Join us for a stimulating discussion of nonfiction books. For additional information, call the library, 952-847-2925.*****

Phillips Technology Center:
Register online for these classes and more at or call 952-847-2925

Computer Basics Workshop
Thurs., Jan. 6 & 27, noon”“2 p.m. and Fri., Jan. 7 & 28, 1”“3 p.m. Learn and bring questions about basic mouse and keyboarding skills, creating an e-mail account, using the Internet and scanning (where available).

Microsoft Word: Basics
Thurs. Jan. 6, 6”“8 p.m.
Learn how to use the ribbon, enter and delete text, basic formatting, cut, copy and paste; and when to use “save” and “save as.”

Microsoft Word: Formatting Tips for Résumé Writers
Fri., Jan. 7, 10a.m.”“noon
Learn how to set tab stops, use bulleted lists, bold and italic formats to make your résumé shine. Prerequisite: Microsoft Word: Basics or familiarity with word processing is highly recommended.

Microsoft Publisher: Basics
Thurs. Jan. 27, 6”“8 p.m.
Registration required – register online or call 952.847.2925. Learn to use the menus and toolbars to create and publish your own fliers, brochures and greeting cards.
Franklin Learning Center:

The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. Community volunteers needed! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 952-847-2934.

** This project is funded with money from Minnesota”'s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

*** Made possible by the Library Foundation of Hennepin County through a grant from The McKnight Foundation

**** Presented in collaboration with the Intermedia Arts.

***** Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

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