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Tuesday July 16th 2024

Tim Springer Reflects on 18 “Bridging” years at the MGC

Tim Springer, Executive Director through June 3, 2011

By Tim Springer, Executive Director through June 3, 2011

The Midtown Greenway rocks.

I love to be on the Greenway when it”'s full of commuters, joggers, and joy-riders of all stripes. I feel very fortunate to have been on the team that made it happen. Thank you to the collective Midtown Greenway Coalition community for giving me that opportunity.

This job has been extremely rewarding, but also extremely demanding. I decided to move on so that I could slow my pace, smell more roses, and try my hand at some new things. Many people have asked me what”'s next. Two possibilities that excite me are rehabbing old buildings and bicycle transportation consulting.

This change will be great for me as well as the Midtown Greenway Coalition. By me stepping aside, the Coalition can more easily empower a broader set of leaders with more ideas in ways that provide greater organizational depth and sustainability. This is timely as the Coalition launches a new board-defined initiative. Chapter One of the Coalition”'s history was about getting the trails built and well-used by all. Chapter Two will be about engaging communities to guide the way rail transit fits alongside the trails, the way Minneapolis grows up along the Greenway”'s edges, and the pursuit of vibrant outdoor spaces within and connecting to the Greenway. A successful Chapter Two is essential concerning the Greenway”'s long-term safety, functionality, and aesthetics.

Speaking of shared responsibility, to the thousands of people who have helped the Coalition over the years, thank you! The continuing success of the Midtown Greenway depends to a large extent on the continuing success of the Midtown Greenway Coalition, and this success depends on you maintaining your support and working relationships with the Coalition. Based on past behavior, I know you are all up for it. See you out on the Greenway.

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