Dallas Johnson, a singer, songwriter, producer and band leader- loves exploring musical styles. She composed jazz songs for Jevetta Steele”'s last record, recorded an original house single for OM records, an electronic jazz song for Keston and Westdal, performed an American Traditional song on a compilation CD in support of marriage equality, wrote a lullabye that”'s being recorded by grade school children in Colarado and can be heard singing soul music on Dan Barreiro”'s KFAN show. Currently, she”'s singing world music, finalizing her 3rd original CD, and writing a non-fiction book. She”'s the community arts director behind Bridging Minneapolis ”“ a project in Phillips West.
Guitarist and composer Siama Matuzungidi hails from DR Congo and came to Mpls. by way of Uganda, Kenya, Dubai and Japan. A prolific composer, Siama wrote big hits in the 70”'s that are considered classics, earning him the title, “soukous legend”. He”'s toured with renowned soukous stars like Samba Mapangala, Tshala Muana, Kanda Bongo Man, etc. Siama performed at the Ordway Theatre recently with Playing for Change, was the musical director for a Mixed Blood production and performs regularly with Socaholix, Marimba Africa, Cyril Paul”'s Calypso Monarchs and 33 Degrees North, among others. He”'s a recording artist and terrific guitar instructor for all ages and skill levels. So hit him up if you”'re ready to make music!