News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 3rd 2025


145th Memorial Day Observance

Join us for the 145th Memorial Day Observance at Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery. There will be speakers, an honor guard firing team, student leaders from the Transition Charter School and the wonderful Seward Community Concert Band. The traditional observance begins at 10 a.m.

“Talk” and “Tales”

At 1:00 PM, after a short break, attendees may choose to enjoy a “Talk” about the history of the Cemetery and some anecdotes from “Tales” about the lives of some of those people buried there. The talk may extend into a tour for those interested.

“The cat”'s out of the bag.”

The Annual Memorial Service,

Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery by Sue Hunter Weir,

volunteer Cemetery cleanups, plantings, flower embellishments, flag postings,

two recent concerts in the Cemetery,

and the history talks and tours

have resulted in becomingthe Best Cemetery in the “Twin Cities 2013” by City Pages. So, “the cat”'s out of the bag.” Local residents and scores of “Tales” aficionados have known these secrets for a long time.

Thus, weather permitting and snow storms at bay, expect a crowd on Memorial Day and plan your arrival including bringing your own chair if possible. Don”'t stay away without it or coming late because there will be chairs there, too, and plenty of open space. There will be lots of street parking available after the driveway is full and especially if you park across Lake Street and uses the front pillared pedestrian gate entrance on Lake Street. That is also the shorter walk if you are starting from outside the Cemetery.

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