Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday January 23rd 2025

2014 Review by Front Pages


Alley Communications 2014 Annual Review & Report of The Alley Newspaper

What does it mean that The Alley Newspaper is Community Owned and Governed? Here”'s one answer: the following 84 people have contributed writing and/or advice for what gets printed.

Thorbjorn Adams

H. Lynn Adelsman

Robert Albee

Tara Beard

Denny Bennett

Katherine Blauvelt

Nancy Bordeaux

Bart Buch

Patrick Cabello Hansel

Alondra Cano

Lydia Caros

Jillian Clearman

Lauren Cook

Jim Davis

Mili Dutti

Eli Eggen

Frank Erickson

Angela Fiero

Elisa Fonseca

Harry Ford

Janet Gillespie

Collie Graddick

Jim Graham

Ross Gregg

Clarasophia Gust

Susan Ann Gust 1

Susan Haas

Linnea Hadaway

Dee Henry Williams

Jacy Hildrith

Sue Hunter Weir

Molly Ingebretsen

Phoebe Iron Necklace

Tasha Irving

Andrew Jackson

Soren Jensen

Dallas Johnson

Kte-Oyate Nipi

Carl Lobley

Rose Lobley

Andrew McGill

Sheldon Mains

WIzard Marks

Brasheen Martin

Tim McCall

Gregory Mc Moore

Howard Mc Quitter II

Jana Metge

Jonathan Miller

Peter Molenaar

Dave Moore

Loren Niemi

Jan Nye

Laney Ohmans

Brad Pass

Carol Pass

Roma Patel

Bobbie Dickering

Donna Pususta Neste

Jim and Roni Robischon

Jason Rodney

Dale Rott

Denisse Sanchez

Michael Sandin

Leila Sarene

Eric Schlitz

Pete Seeger

Sunny Sevigny

Ashley Sibri

Cassandra Skoog

Carstens Smith

Michael Sommers

Sandy Spieler

Michel Strachan Semen

Melissa Thomas

Erin Thomasson

Nancy Thornberry

Catherine Tong

Cassie Warholm-Wohlenhaus

Laura Waterman Wittstock

Roland Wells

Crystal Trautau Winschitl

Tomas Young

Amged Yusef

There are also these 40 organizations and events that contribute announcements, articles, and requests to be printed.

Amen Corner

American Swedish Institute

BackYard Initiative

BackYard Initiative CHAT members

Bees in the Village

Cemetery Cinema

City of Mpls.

Earth Day Cleanup

East Phillips Improvement Coalition

Friends of the Franklin Library

Friends of Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery

Great Plains Region of Puppeteers of America

Green Tomato Cook-Off

Hennepin Count Franklin Library

Hennepin County Library””Special Collections

Hope Academy

In the Heart of the Beast Theatre

In the Heart of the Beast Phillips Project 1

International Institute of Minnesota

Local Food Resource Hubs

La Natividad


MayDay Community Meetings Workshops, Parade, and Pageant

Midtown Global Market

Midtown Greenway Coalition

Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Improvement Association

McKnight Foundation

Minneapolis Swims

Open Eye Theatre

Phillips Clean Sweep

Phillips Neighborhood Clinic

Phillips West Neighborhood Association

Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery Memorial Day Celebration

Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association

South Minneapolis Housing Fair


St. Paul”'s Church on Portland Ave.

St. Paul”'s Church on 15th Ave.

Somali Artifact and Cultural Museum

Waite House Healthy Living Initiative

Financial Support of The Alley Newspaper

Donations that are Tax Deductible because we are a 501 C3 non-profit corporation via:

Direct by individuals to P.O. Box 7006, Mpls., MN 55407

Indirectly from Community Shares MN workplace giving program because we are one of 40member groups.

Indirectly pledged through Give MN.

Advertising Income. Monthly: Ingebretsen”'s, Maria”'s Café, May Day Café, Midtown Global Market, Seward Co-op Grocery and Deli, Welna Hardware ”“Bloomington and II. Quarterly: Portico Healthnet. Once in 2014: Susan Allen/Karen Clark Campaign ad, MGM Music Festival, Mpls. Park and Rec. Board, 3 Neighborhood Park Festivals. 4 times: Captain Jack Sparrow campaign ad.

Paid for articles by Organizations to promote their work of engagement exceeding what The Alley will report upon as news. Examples this year: BackYard Initiative , East Phillips Improvement Coalition , Friends of the Cemetery , Hope Academy, Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Improvement Ass”'n. , St. Paul”'s Church on Portland Av., Ventura Village .

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