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Friday March 14th 2025

Circle of Healing: a CHAT of the Backyard Initiative

LogoCOH2Who is the ”˜Circle of Healing”'?

The Circle of Healing Practitioners Community Cultural Health Action Team (CHAT) is a collaborative of Backyard Initiative practitioners including but not limited to complementary healers and elders who are representative of different cultural traditions, conventional health professionals and community care givers. Members of this CHAT come together as practitioners interested in creating a more formalized network of people (Circle of Healing) around Backyard residents to provide better information and support for healing and reflection about the message ”˜dis-ease”'. This network serves both the community receiving care and the healing practitioner community in the area of the Backyard Initative.

The Vision

The vision behind the Circle of Healing Practitioners CHAT is grounded in cultural health practices and ways of knowing that honor the reciprocal and holistic nature of healing. In order to meet the health needs of the people living in the Backyard area, this CHAT aims to empower health practitioners and community members and to connect the community care giving system to the conventional health care system in a more formal and integrative way. The CHAT aims to bring awareness to Circle of Healing, Map to Wellness Sessions, and the community care giving system that currently operate and are available in the area of the Backyard Initiative.

What is Cultural Self-Study?

Cultural self-study is the process of studying one”'s thoughts attitudes and behaviors through the purview of culture. Self-study is about learning from inside about self-knowledge, self-thoughts, self-concept, self-worth and self-value. ~ Elder Atum Azzahir

“My self-study journey has helped to revive the ”˜pure”' me and reclaim purpose, through self-examination, I stirred up the dormant potential and abilities on the inside of me, ignited and was tapped into a reserved power and strength that I thought I no longer possessed, because of the victim mentality that had rooted itself in my mind, heart, and spirit due to daunting life circumstances. I constantly felt sick and defeated, my hope was non-existent. The ”˜spark”' was truly ignited, I am enjoying the best health I have experienced in a long time, I have so much impending success, hidden talents, uncapped capabilities yet to be realized, and unencumbered sight, hindsight, insight, and foresight. I am not a victim but a victor. I don”'t wait for things to happen, I make things happen.” ~ Cultural Wellness Center Member

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