News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

The Dream is Coming True!


When I woke up on January 1st, and reflected on 2015, I smiled, as I re-assured myself, that, no, it wasn”'t just a dream, it really is happening!

As I write this, the city”'s finest construction companies are submitting their bids to build the new Phillips Aquatics Center! Master plans have been drawn up and ratified, and construction will begin in May!

Ventura Village generously voted to provide an additional $80,000 in funding through the City to the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board earmarked specifically toward the addition of a small 3rd warm-water, therapy pool. To distinguish this from the 4-lane, 25 yard, warm water pool already in the plans, I”'ll describe (my words) the 3rd pool as a “hot-tube” or “whirlpool spa”. A very nice addition indeed! Of course, there is the necessary bureaucracy before this is a “done deal.”

The Minneapolis Parks Foundation recognized Minneapolis Swims for our efforts in bringing together the entities for the pool, and offered us one of only two $5,000 grants they awarded this year. In our case, we used it as a matching grant, and the 2014-2015 Boys Swim team & boosters from South, Washburn & Roosevelt High Schools who call themselves TMT (Tigers, Millers, Teddies) stepped up by raising $10,000 and donated it to Minneapolis Swims, easily achieving the match.

Finally, we have just launched a grassroots fundraising campaign to make sure that we have the funds for the finishing touches on the pool. Please go to to check it out, see our new video, donate what you can and SHARE with everyone you know!

Denny Bennett is President of Minneapolis Swims

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