News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Our devoted Editor/Outreach Coordinator is getting very, very tired as you can see. In fact, so tired, he will RETIRE in September 2017!!!


Harvey Winje has been the volunteer/stipend-receiving Editor of The Alley Newspaper for the last 14 years.  The Alley Newspaper is published by Alley Communications, a 41 year old nonprofit, community governed organization.

Oh, my!!! What will happen to The Alley Newspaper?  Will it be retired, too? Or, will it
continue and take on new faces, new ideas, new formats?

The answer to that question rests in

YOUR hands!

You can help a small group of stakeholders who are examining this dilemma by answering these questions. Answer ONE or ALL of the following:

1. YES or NO – Do YOU read The Alley Newspaper? [The number of responses to this simple question will help Alley Communication stakeholders know whether it is time to end The Alley with a tremendous party or to work diligently to help launch it into its next stage…….We could still have a party!!!]

2. WHY do YOU read The Alley Newspaper?

3. WHAT should be kept the same? What should change?

4. WILL you join a conversation with a core group of Alley stakeholders to discuss how to keep The Alley going after September of 2017?

YOU can answer ANY or ALL of these questions by:

Phone message: 612-605-7532 (no human contact)


Mail: Alley Communications, PO Box 7006, Mpls., MN 55407

Facebook: Send a message on FB to The Alley Newspaper

Attend and “vote”: at the Neighborhood Night at the American Swedish Institute, Tuesday, Dec.13

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