Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday January 26th 2025

“Shade Tree Mechanics to Multi-Car Service Centers are asked to help: “Squeaky wheel gets the grease,” but it doesn”'t stop there!


Do you want to make a difference in neighborhood air quality? Locally, poor air quality affects Minnesotans by triggering a range of health problems, from itchy throats to asthma attacks. It also contributes to smog and acid rain, leading to contamination of water bodies. That”'s why the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) has teamed up with the Lake Street Council and the Franklin Area Business Association to assist businesses in the Phillips Community to improve air quality.

This summer, a MnTAP intern is working with auto repair shops and other businesses that use degreasing products to evaluate products and find safer alternatives that work. Auto repair facilities can improve the air by switching to safer cleaning and degreasing products. The major challenge is finding safer products since many look similar, but contain different ingredients with a wide range of impacts on health and the environment.

Choosing safer products is not easy, but this summer”'s intern is helping businesses identify the safest products available to them that still get the job done. Shops interested in taking advantage of this opportunity receive a free assessment of their current products, samples for testing safer products, and if they choose to make a change, some free product to get started (while supplies last).

Wondering how to get started?

If you are an owner/employee of an auto repair shop or other small business that uses cleaners and degreasers, or have a recommendation for your favorite auto repair shop, please call Maddie at 612-624-1300, now through August 2017.

Easy Tips to Choose Safer Products

Look for products that say: Non-Chlorinated & Low VOC, 50 State Compliant, or Non-Chlorinated.

Stay away from chlorinated or non-flammable brake cleaners.

Find products that can be sold in bulk and invest in refillable cans.

Interested in learning more about no-cost ways to save money through energy, water and waste reduction? Visit Minnesota Technical Assistance Program”'s website at www.mntap.umn.edu or give us a call 612-624-1300.

Maddie Norgaard is MNTap Intern

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