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Monday March 10th 2025

SPIRIT WOUNDS: Passion for Justice and Beauty: LA POSADA

by Patrick Cabello Hansel

We had our annual Posada last Saturday”“the Christmas procession with Mary and Joseph/Maria and Jose, looking for shelter for the holy child. We had some really mean innkeepers turn us away, which was great!

I”'m looking for Posada or shelter from all the craziness of this past year. The tax cut for the rich has passed, sacred lands are going to be sold to mining companies, Dreamers are hung out to dry, pedophiles are honored, but don”'t say “transgender” or “science based”. It seems like an assault a day. But–as they say on the ads for “miracle” products on late-night TV”there”'s more!”

That “more” may indeed be more assaults on the poor, the earth, those who are seen as “other”. But on this eve of the Solstice, I hold my hands out, not only asking for shelter, but offering it. Mary gave the fetus that became Jesus (yes, Virginia, that”'s how it happened) posada in her womb. She gave him breasts aching with milk. She became the house for God, the house for hope.

I wrote this blog post on the Posada for our denomination”'s worship blog:

And I ask, what indeed, if we were all Posada for hope, for justice, for healing. Be Justice. Be Beauty. Be Shelter.

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