Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday January 12th 2025

Transparent transition of The Alley Newspaper, as you have known it ”¦

1. The Transition Team is meeting every 2 weeks
It is comprised of: Alley Board Members, Sue Hunter Weir and Chair, Cathy Strobel-Ayers; Thor Adam, Ventura Village resident; Sunny Sevigny, Midtown Phillips resident; John Charles Wilson, Alley writer; Peter Molenaar,  Alley writer;  Lee Leichentritt, Alley reader; Kelly Trius, East Phillips resident; Frances Mendenhatt, Midtown Phillips resident; Susan Gust and Harvey Winje, volunteer staff.

2. The essential work of the Transition Team is to:

  • Research and explore possible courses of action to keep The Alley as the Phillips Community publication including online publishing, an upgraded interactive website, other social media platforms, as well as the current print publication
  • Generate a plan with timelines, needs, etc. to continue the preferred course forward
  • Create a draft outline of the financial needs required
  • Identify and outline a community engagement plan
  • Explore the business model(s) concepts that can help Alley Communications to sustain The Alley as a publication

3. Transition Team ideas for taking ACTION:

  • Promote The Alley at Phillips summer festivals and gatherings
  • Survey and talk with people about their views of The Alley at these festivals
  • Strategize how to increase income in the short term through small grants, ads, and donations
  • Explore ways to grow the leadership opportunities of Alley Communications, especially with cultural communities


  • Participated in the East Phillips Celebration June 23 and in 2 places at the Open Streets on East Lake Street, July 22; SCHEDULED for West Phillips Celebration at ASI for National Night Out, August 7; Open Streets-Franklin August 26
  • Over 63 surveys filled out so far with 79% percent of people reading The Alley
  • Grant submitted for $2,250 to the City of Minneapolis”'s Resilience 365 project
  • Meetings to occur with organizations about page sponsorships
  • Great celebration being planned in October to celebrate all who have made The Alley a great community newspaper. More transition plans will be announced. WATCH FOR THE DATE!

5. What YOU can do:

  • Volunteer to help meet and greet folks at either of the August events. We need HELP! Contact Susan: susananngust@gmail.com
  • Ideas? Opinions? Email Cathy: cstrobel11@gmail.com

6. The Alley Newspaper you are reading costs 55 cents to give to you!
Make a donation TODAY! Every dollar helps. PO Box 7006, Mpls, MN 55407. If you have donated, THANK YOU!


The Alley Newspaper “Did You Know” History Exhibit and survey table while left to right Dave Logsdon of Veterans for Peace talks with Harvey Winje and Lee Leichentritt conducting surveys and inquiring passersby about familiarity with The Alley. Folks who completed a survey were entered into a drawing for a $10. Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware.


“Keep up the good work, staff.”
“Check out other newspapers.”
“I live down by McRae Park and The Alley is my favorite of community newspapers.”
“Love your newspaper.”
“Keep printing.”
“Thanks for all you do.”
“Local papers are important for the community.”
“So valuable to have friends talk about articles and gain more awareness of the paper.”
“Keep up the good news and the good work.”
“We don’t want to see The Alley not being here anymore.”
“Have kids do a report on things they like.”

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