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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Sunday February 9th 2025

One of busiest food shelves right here

Donate or check out Waite House Food Shelf during March Minnesota FoodShare Campaign

by Meghan Muffett

Waite House staff, Jovita (left), assists a community member in the Waite House Food Shelf.

Located right here in the Phillips community, the food shelf at Waite House Community Center is one of the busiest in the Twin Cities, serving nearly 4,000 families on an annual basis. 

It serves as a much needed resource for many single-family households, homeless and highly mobile community members, seniors, immigrants, and others who ”“ for a variety of reasons ”“ are having a tough time making ends meet. 

Yet, in the past four years, the amount of participants have increased 25% while funding changes have been minimal.

This means that more than ever, this March is a critical time for the Waite House food shelf to garner support. During the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, both monetary and food donations made to Waite House (and all participating food shelves) will be partially matched by the group Minnesota FoodShare. 

Also, did you know that because Waite House is a nonprofit with ”˜bulk purchasing abilities,”' they can purchase even more food to multiply your dollar”'s buying power? AKA, they are able to stretch your $1 into $7, allowing them to purchase even more fresh, healthy, and culturally appropriate food to serve our community members.

Your help is needed. Last year, the food shelf distributed 275,000 pounds of food, 

with expectations to provide an even greater amount this year. Please consider supporting the health and wellness of your neighbors and fellow community members by making a donation this March. 

Here”'s how you can support the Pillsbury United Communities – Waite House Food Shelf:

All monetary and food donations made through the month of March will be partially matched by Minnesota FoodShare.

”¢ Donate money. You can donate online at www.pillsburyunited.org or drop off a check at the center. 

Ӣ Donate food. Food donations can be delivered any time during business hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Special accommodations could be made to receive donations at other times if needed. See contact information below. Suggested donation items include: Oil, flour, cooking spices, Masa (like Maseca), salt and pepper, low sodium soups, and oatmeal.

Would you like to use the food shelf? 

Here”'s what you need to know:

”¢ Families and individuals can visit the food shelf once each month. For the first visit, there is a short registration process in which a form of identification for each member of the household will need to be provided. 

”¢ Please bring your own bags. 

Hours: Mondays and Fridays: 1-5 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10 a.m. to noon and 2-5 p.m.

Also ”“ Check out our free Community Café from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays or Produce Days every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Find more details online at pillsburyunited.org/waite-house or by calling 612-721-1681.

Questions or want to get more involved? 

Contact Meghan: 612.455.0388, meghanm@pillsburyunited.org.

Pillsbury United Communities ”“ Waite House is located at 2323 11th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55404.

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