Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 28th 2025

Free Cooking Class with the Indigenous Food Lab


Vern Defoe and Riva Garcia will teach Minneapolis Edible Boulevards next cooking class August 12.

Please join us August 12 for our next Minneapolis Edible Boulevards cooking class at the new Indigenous Food Lab Market, located just inside Midtown Global Market. We’re super excited to partner with North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems’ Culinary Program Manager Ismael Popoca Aguilar and his fabulous cooks, Riva Garcia and Vern Defoe. Riva and Vern will teach us how to make Wild Rice Salad with Beans, Roasted Pepita and Sumac. Registration can be found on our Facebook event, or reach out via email. If you can’t attend in person, we’d love to see you on Zoom.
We typically hold classes in community gardens to highlight where neighbors can find fresh produce and a space to garden in their neighborhood. In August, we’re co-hosting with the new Indigenous Food Lab Market. They have incredible offerings at the food counter that are made from all Indigenous ingredients. The shop also sells goods from Native-owned businesses so please check it out.
In other news, be on the lookout for our 2023 gardens going in on the Southside with our new signs that were funded by the Joint Green Zone Task Force. Stop and say hello if you see one of our new participants out in their garden.
Do you know a 9th, 10th or 11th grader who goes to South High or lives in the Corcoran neighborhood (and preferably goes to South High)? We’re hiring one student from each category to work with a youth from Minneapolis Edible Boulevards through December of 2024. The three will collaborate and work independently for four hours a month on the South High Food Forest. They will attend monthly/bi-monthly meetings, write articles, engage with neighbors at community events, develop events, and create social media content to promote the garden, youth activities, and community engagement. Any interested youth should reach out to Michelle at minneapolisedibleboulevards@gmail.com by August 10.
Finally, thank you to everyone who attended our Juneteenth event with Jim Embry of Ujamaa Seeds. We had a beautiful morning with Jim, CEED (Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy), the South High Outdoor Learning Advisory Group, and a lovely lunch catered by HEAL Mpls. Seed bombs were made with basil, okra and wildflowers, and the best part was meeting attendees.
Join Minneapolis Edible Boulevards on Facebook or Instagram, or reach out to minneapolisedibleboulevards@gmail.com if you’d like more information.

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