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Friday March 14th 2025

Pledge to Vote! Nuts and Bolts


illustration: Jake Ryan

Election Day in Minneapolis is November 7, 2023. Let’s make a plan to vote!

Because of the 2022 redistricting process, every Minneapolis City Council member is up for election to a 2-year term. This is your opportunity to select the person who best represents your voice in city government, who carries your concerns to city hall, and who advocates for you when you need assistance.

The best way to make sure your voice is heard is to make a plan to vote with these simple steps:

  1. Register at your current address. In Minnesota, you can register to vote online, by mail, or in person at your polling site. Pre-registering online and by mail must be done by October 17. Or you can register in person at Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services, 980 E Hennepin Ave (October 18 – November 6), or on Election Day (November 7) at your polling place. If you are registered to vote at your current address, you do not need to show an ID to vote. If not, you can register on Election Day at your polling place site, but you will need an ID or other proof of residence to vote. Not sure if you’re currently registered or want to register online? Visit or Find the League’s nonpartisan voting guide for general information on registration at
  2. Know the candidates. The National League of Women Voters provides information related to the candidates running for City Council. It includes the candidates’ views on current issues that may affect your choice. The best place to research candidates’ views is at The Minneapolis League also sponsors public forums where candidates are asked questions about the issues important to the people in their ward. This is an opportunity for you to learn directly from the candidates about why they are running for City Council. To find when and where the forum for your ward is being held go to If you can’t go to the forum, no problem – LWV Minneapolis posts unedited videos of the forums on its website!
  3. When and how to vote. Since 2014, Minnesotans have been able to cast absentee ballots without a specific reason. To vote early by mail: Request your absentee ballot no later than October 24th, fill it out and return it right away, either by mail to Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services at 980 E Hennepin Ave, 55414; by email to; or by fax at 612-673-2756. Ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day, November 7. Request and track your ballot at To vote early in person: go to Minneapolis Election and Voter Services, 980 E Hennepin Avenue. Early in-person voting begins September 22 and is open through 5pm on Monday, November 6.
  4. Vote on Election Day. Verify the location of your polling place at or and go to that location to cast your ballot on November 7. Note that with redistricting your polling site may have changed. Most polling sites are open from 7am to 8pm. If you can’t easily leave your vehicle or are not comfortable voting inside, you can opt for curbside voting. As long as you are in line to vote by 8pm, you have the right to cast your ballot, so stay in line! For detailed information on how to vote by mail and in person you can access the League of Women Voters Minneapolis Nonpartisan Voters Guide 2023 at
  5. Give some thought to whether you need to make special arrangements. Perhaps you need a ride to the polls; or you need childcare (though children can come to the polls with you); or you need to find time during or around your work schedule to vote. Minnesota law requires employees to allow workers time off to vote without losing pay or taking personal or unpaid time off.
  6. Choose your candidate and prepare for your vote. You can research your candidate at or After making your decision, consider looking up a sample ballot to review more information on the candidates. Sample ballots are available through the Minnesota Secretary of States’ office at This local Minneapolis city election will be decided by ranked choice voting. To assist you with ranked choice voting go to If you need help while at the polls, go to

Here’s a handy list of go-to websites with all the information needed for your successful voting plan:


Make 2023 the year you vote with confidence! Encourage friends and family to do the same! Support each other this election season and help someone you care about get involved as a voter.

This is the sixth and final article in a series about the 2023 Municipal Elections brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis. All articles can be found at Topics covered are as follows:
City Council Members are on The Ballot – What’s Changed Since 2021
Right to Vote Restored to 55,000 Paroled Felons
Why Your Council Person is Important to You
Be an Informed Voter: Understanding Rank choice Voting
Save Democracy; Empowering Young Votes

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