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Thursday January 16th 2025

‘Voting and Elections’ Archives

Around Town December ’24

Around Town December ’24

A banner hung over Hiawatha Avenue from the pedestrian bridge the morning after the 2024 Presidential Election. SOURCE: Anonymous

Election Information You Need

By LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MINNEAPOLIS VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th! Residents of Minnesota for 20 days who are at least 18 years old and have affirmed US citizenship are able to vote now until 8 pm on November 5. Minnesotans who are living in their communities and are not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction are eligible to vote. In addition, 16-and-17-year-olds can pre-register so that they will be automatically registered on their 18th birthday.For Minnesota to regain our top voter turnout spot, voters must get the trusted election information they need. As a voter, you have the right to time off work and can still vote from the comfort of your home. You can also now enter your ballot directly into the tabulating machine beginning 18 days before election day. DID YOU KNOW? The Office of the Secretary of State is introducing a free SMS text service to text all your questions to. You will not be added to any lists or signed up for any reminders. This number is part [...]

Voting Is a Choice and a Privilege – It’s Time For Our Youth to Exercise That Right

Youth education and removing barriers to voting is crucial to democracy By LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MINNEAPOLIS In 1971 with the passage of the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the voting age was lowered from 21 years to 18. Student protests against the Vietnam War played a big part in forcing this change. The protesters argued that if 18 year-olds could fight and die for their country, they should be given the right to vote.Today, 18 – 29 year-olds are by far the lowest turnout voting bloc in the country. The question is: why, and what can be done about it? A Brief HistoryThere has always been a battle to secure the right to vote. In the 1700’s, only white male land-owners enjoyed the privilege. In 1870, following the Civil War, the 15th Amendment ensured that people couldn’t be legally denied the right to vote based on their race. Women fought hard for a place at that table, but lost the battle. It took until 1920, after a fifty year hard-fought campaign, that [...]

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