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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

Vine Church, Good Templar, Winget Mfg., Burma-Shave, Furniture Barn

BY STEVE SANDBERG, for the Committee

The building at 2019 East Lake Street is like a “cat with nine lives;” that is, flexible, resilient, and able to land on its feet regardless of fall height.

Thanks to all of you who have shown interest in the history of the Burma Shave building. Since the December issue of The Alley Newspaper”'s first Burma-Shave Building article, we have registered with the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota, and they will help us do a historic survey. We have learned through older neighborhood residents including memories of a resident who passed away last year at age 102, that the building was originally the historic Vine Congregational Church. It was after that, among other things, a meeting place for a Norwegian chapter of the International Order of Good Templar, and Winget Manufacturing, which made bonnets and ladies furnishings.

On December 10th the Board of Corcoran Neighborhood Organization voted to request of the MPS that a historic survey be done, but as of yet we have no confirmation as to whether that has been communicated. We are creating a Burma Shave History/ Historic Vine Church FaceBook page which we encourage you to check out and contribute any historical information that you may have. Thanks! For the Committee.

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