Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Thursday January 30th 2025

‘Alley Gallery of Loss’ Archives

Have You Heard the One About…

Have You Heard the  One About…

By Patrick Cabello Hansel A lawyer, a pastor and a saxophone player walked into”¦a cemetery? What”™s the punchline? You”™ll have to come to “QUITTING TIME at a Place of Endless Time,” on Saturday, September 18th at 4 pm at the historic Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery at East Lake Street and Cedar Avenue in Minneapolis. Patrick Cabello Hansel”™s 2nd book of poetry, “Quitting Time,” is an extended elegy to his father, Walter Hansel. It engages his history from his birth into a German-speaking home in rural North Dakota, through the Great Depression, World War II, and becoming a barber and raising a family in Austin, MN. Patrick retired in 2020 after serving with his wife Luisa for 15 years at St. Paul”™s Lutheran Church in Phillips. He is the author of the poetry collection “The Devouring Land,” and his work has been published in over 70 journals. Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize, he has [...]

In The Heart of the Beast Theatre Update

In The Heart of the Beast Theatre Update

BOARD UPDATE AUGUST 12 2021In 2021, HOBT has been working to restart our organization and adapt to the impacts of COVID-19. We considered every path forward that would put us in the best possible position to live out our mission and carry the important work of the MayDay Council into the future.In conversation and with the input of HOBT staff and the MayDay Council, the HOBT Board of Directors has voted to sell the Avalon Theatre, our home since 1988.It”™s time to find a new, smaller home that will allow us to live into our vision of a decentralized MayDay. That includes moving into a new space that is more sustainable and accessible.HOBT is also in the process of moving out of our puppet storage warehouse, which was rented to store the thousands of puppets in HOBT”™s collection.The puppets will return to the artists that created them, museums who can house them (both locally and nationally), and HOBT will be maintaining a smaller collection to carry our work [...]

Images from Line 3, Summer 2021

Images from Line 3, Summer 2021

By K. Flo Razowsky @FloWalksFree Photo story as it appears in the September issue of the alley 7/19/2021On the way to Line 3, to assert treaty rights and oppose the destruction caused by Canadian-owned private corporation Enbridge, as it clear-cuts the forests and drills under the rivers, to build the pipeline that will carry oil for overseas sales. Already many of the drilling sites along the rivers have caused frac-outs - polluting the water with chemicals 7/19/2021The six women chained during this action were arrested along with myself, on site as media. #ShellRiverSeven Women Horse Nation Riders going to support the Water Walkers. Coming from Pine River Crossing to Itasca, headwaters of the Mississippi, and drilling site of Enbridge”™s Line 3 pipeline. #RedRoadToDC at the sacred Shell River. Nations gathering from all directions for the water with #HorseNations to #StopLine3 It”™s not about taking away access to livelihood, it”™s [...]

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