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Thursday February 27th 2025

‘Movie Corner’ Archives

Of Gods and Men

Of Gods and Men

Of Gods and Men ****1/2 Cast: Lambert Wilson (Christian),Michael Lonsdale (Luc), Olivier Rabordin (Christophe), Phillippe  Laudenbach (Celeslin), Jacquees Herlin Frin (Paul), abdelhafid Metalsi (Nouredine), Sabrince Ouazani (Rabbia), Olivier Perrier (Bruno), Fariid (Ali Fayattia), Adel Bencherif (Le Terroriste).  Country: France. Language: French in English subtitles.  Director: Xavier Beauvois. (PG-13) Running time: 120 minutes. Riveting throughout, “Of Gods and Men,” is one of those films whereas the principal characters sit on a powder keg knowing at any time it can go off.  The courage to stay put, the eight Trappist monks”' faith and their agape love for the poor Algerian villagers continue in the midst of political turmoil in Algeria largely engineered by the Islamic Salvation Front defeating The National Liberation Front in1991, which overthrew the French in 1962.  In 1993, the Armed Islamic Group orders all foreigners out of Algeria in [...]

Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight * Theiopolis Cinema * “Take Me Home Tonight”(2010) Comedy. Cast: Topher Grace (Matt frank), Dan Fogler (Barry Nathan), Teiesa Palmer (Tori Frederking), Anna Faris (Wendy Franklin). (R)95 minutes.Director: Michael Dowse. Actor-co producer Topher Grace and actor Dan Fogler showed up for questions and answers after their movie “Take Me Home Tonight” was over. I wasn”'t really interested in staying around for a movie I didn”'t care about. I”'m happy these young men are enjoying some success but their movie, to be blunt, is so generic so as to be ad nauseam. Nothing in Michael Dowse”'s comedy distinguishes itself from umpteen comedies about white teens and twentysomethings partying, drinking beer and looking for that girl with whom he missed a chance to have sex. To Dowse”'s credit, most of the scurrilous language and gross behavior is missing from this comedy set in the 1980s--Ronald Reagan, [...]

Howard”'s top 10 movies of 2010

Howard”'s top 10 movies of 2010

Howard McQuitter II Movie Corner HowardMcQuitterii@yahoo.com King”'s Speech The King”'s Speech is this year”'s favorite film for me after pondering on it hours and even days later. Colin Firth (nominated for best actor in a “Single Man” in 2009) plays King George VI. He ascends the throne in Great Britain in 1936, when his brother King Edward VIII (Guy Pearce) abdicates the throne rather than sever his marriage to twice-divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson (Eve Best). His marriage causes a constitutional and ecclesiastical crisis for the United Kingdom and the Dominions. Before George VI takes the throne, he is Duke of Cornwall. George VI has one stumbling problem: he stammers. He”'s sent to a rather unorthodox speech therapist, Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) who, after a number of hurdles with George, achieves success. George VI”'s wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) encourages him to continue to see Lionel. George VI ascends [...]

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