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Sunday March 16th 2025

‘Commentary’ Archives

Something I Said: 3 Pound Cats

Something I Said: 3 Pound Cats

Dwight Hobbes By DWIGHT HOBBES 3 Pound Cats partners with clinics to provide seniors affordable pet care. A true godsend. After all, who is hit harder in these tough economic times? Yet nonetheless need to safeguard our furry, four-footed loved ones? Do a little price comparison at just a few animal hospitals and the picture comes into focus. For a still clearer idea, visit 3poundcats.com. “I originally was trying to place 3 rescue - or pound - cats into assisted living facilities”, recalls owner-operator Dr. Marie Louderback, DVM (call her Dr. Marie). “To get the cats out of the shelters and into homes with people to love them and pet them!”  So, she  isn’t only giving elders a break but has a heart for homeless would-be pets. Yes, including dogs. Ani-Meals executive director Melanie La Pointe remembers how she met 3 Pound Cats. “When I was unemployed and had 3 little dogs to take care of, my groomer introduced me to Dr. Marie. She helped me keep [...]

From the Desk of State Representative Hodan Hassan

From the Desk of State Representative Hodan Hassan

Hodan Hassan By HODAN HASSAN, District: 62B Hi neighbors, State Representative Hodan Hassan here. It is an honor and privilege to represent you at the State Capitol as your House Representative. For some of you, I have been your representative for the last four years; for others, I am your new representative because of recent district boundary changes. These changes now include Phillips as part of district 62B. I want to take this time to introduce myself and the work I intend to do for you in the next two years. By trade, I am a social worker and a mental health clinician who found herself in politics when I saw a need in my community for strong representation. I am a mother of two wonderful kids, my youngest being three years old. So when I say I understand the struggles our families are facing with childcare expenses skyrocketing, food prices being unreasonable, and gas prices out of reach, it is an understatement. After weathering the worst of the COVID pandemic, the [...]

Raise Your Voice: The Fusion Dance of MLK

Raise Your Voice: The Fusion Dance of MLK

Peter Molenaar By PETER MOLENAAR January 16, 2023… The MLK Day observance at the Powderhorn Park Community Center was a marvelous production. Tabatha, thank you so much for having mastered the ceremony straight from your heart. Oh, but it was the children who stole the show with spontaneous dance and gymnastic display. On the other hand, the two young women who performed a choreographed Afro-fusion dance blew me away. Then, to close the show, there was our own Brass Solidarity Band. Wow! One sour note:  A young man had managed to insert himself ahead of the main program. He read on and on (and on) from a cell phone script (hmm) intent upon casting aspersions at Dr. King. Indeed, he asserted that Martin had been under the influence of “white liberals”. (Oh my!) Moral means to moral ends? To be sure, “everything depends on conditions, time, and place”. Hey, a strategic conception must make a connection to [...]

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