3 Pound Cats partners with clinics to provide seniors affordable pet care. A true godsend. After all, who is hit harder in these tough economic times? Yet nonetheless need to safeguard our furry, four-footed loved ones? Do a little price comparison at just a few animal hospitals and the picture comes into focus. For a still clearer idea, visit 3poundcats.com.
“I originally was trying to place 3 rescue – or pound – cats into assisted living facilities”, recalls owner-operator Dr. Marie Louderback, DVM (call her Dr. Marie). “To get the cats out of the shelters and into homes with people to love them and pet them!” So, she isn’t only giving elders a break but has a heart for homeless would-be pets. Yes, including dogs.
Ani-Meals executive director Melanie La Pointe remembers how she met 3 Pound Cats. “When I was unemployed and had 3 little dogs to take care of, my groomer introduced me to Dr. Marie. She helped me keep them healthy. When I got involved with Ani-Meals, I figured out a way to get grants to pay for vet care for my clients and she was the logical person to provide it. She is kind and smart, a great combination.” La Pointe adds, “Dr. Marie Louderback makes house calls for basic exams and vaccines. That makes it possible for people in apartments to keep their animals.” Lately, clients struggle to pay for exams and vaccines. “I’d hate for anyone to lose their pet because they can’t give them their shots.”Donations are accepted at 3poundcats.com to defray costs.