‘Commentary’ Archives
The Rand Report: Join neighborhood board

By Rand Retterath Rand Retterrath I invite all of you to participate in your neighborhood organizations. For me it is Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association Inc. Others in the area include East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC), Phillips West Neighborhood Organization (PWNO), Ventura Village, and Central Area Neighborhood Development Organization (CANDO). MPNAI is a volunteer-based community organization advocating for a vibrant, safe, and healthy neighborhood. MPNAI partners with 7 local neighborhood non-profits to implement a variety of projects We also partner with CANDO, EPIC and PWNO. Our annual events include Phillips Clean Sweep, National Night Out, Midtown Festival at Open Streets, and an Annual Community Meeting and Dinner. MPNAI has financially supported KRSM Radio, MadDads, New American Youth Soccer Club, Somali TV, St Paul Arts, Phillips Aquatics Centerand others. Currently, we are working on a traffic flow analysis. MPNAI [...]
Frank reflection What is war?
By FRANK ERICKSON Just to clear up any confusion, I always put quotation marks around “war” when writing about it. Quotation marks were not used on the “Iraq War” reference in my May issue Commentary in The Alley Newspaper May. That was a accidental editing omission. Nonetheless, I want to emphasize that I see “war” as not being accessible to humans since humans have claimed to be civilized. Apparently people think they can float back and forth between the animal and civilized worlds. This is not possible. You either have laws to govern civilized society or you don”™t. You can”™t conveniently step outside your laws and “war.” The “Iraq War” was the same as the Holocaust. This is not an anti-“war” approach. I am not an anti-“war” activist because it is counterproductive. This is a scientific approach based on physical science. It was physically impossible [...]