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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Scratch Your Head

Raise Your Voice By PETER MOLENAAR “The Rich Really Do Pay Lower Taxes Than You!” Such was a recent caption in the New York Times. For the first time, thanks to Trump”™s tax cut, the 400 wealthiest Americans now pay a lower overall tax rate than any other income group”¦ and some folks had the gaul to steal the election by casting their votes! Actually, wages have always been taxed at a higher rate than stock dividends, etc. Naturally then, for generations the ruling class has spawned progeny who inherit the lot without lifting a finger. Never mind that the value of a commodity is determined by the socially necessary labor time embodied in it, i.e., labor is the source of all wealth. What”™s this got to do with our neighborhood? Think “build back better” jobs, and note: the East Phillips Urban Farm has received something of a green light”¦ but what? The Republican Party is working overtime [...]

Cover Crop Seeds

Cover Crop Seeds

RAISE YOUR VOICE By PETER MOLENAAR Peter Molenaar From time to time, readers of the alley are reminded that Wendell Phillips, our neighborhood”™s namesake, was an abolitionist. I will assert here that, were he still alive, he would be opposed to the ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people. Now days, this opposition to all forms of oppression circulates via this paper in surrounding communities, including the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) which maintains an office in the Powderhorn Neighborhood. The LSP is splendidly adept at mingling strains of progressive rural thought with the corresponding urban strains. Our nation”™s soil health is an overriding issue for the LSP. Why bother? Well, an estimated 1/3 of our topsoil has already washed away. The applied math does not bode well. But hey, just add more chemicals”¦ right? Wrong. Actually, the world”™s supply of phosphate is nearing exhaustion. (Note: President Biden has [...]

On Entering the Twilight Zone

On Entering the Twilight Zone

RAISE YOUR VOICE By PETER MOLENAAR Peter Molenaar Sales of color televisions began in 1954, but it was not until September of 1961 that the premiere of Walt Disney”™s World of Color persuaded consumers to purchase color televisions. Having entered the realm of consciousness prior to ”™61, “baby boomers” like me now imbibe black and white reruns as a type of “food for the soul”. Indeed, we have existed long enough to relive The Twilight Zone. “The Twilight Zone is a place that exists at any moment of Time, of space or of mind”¦ but always  when you least expect it. When you find yourself in this realm of unlimited possibility, be careful what you say or do. The right decisions may help you find your way back out”¦” Sunday, April 11, 2021”¦ Fading after a long day, before turning in I became aware that Daunte Wright had been killed. With apologies [...]

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