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Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Raise Your Voice ”“ Bullies Among Us

Raise Your Voice ”“ Bullies Among Us

By PETER MOLENAAR Let the neighborhood know that the Franklin Street Bakery has been under investigation for reportedly violating workplace rights. The National Labor Relations Board has found merit to some 50 violations of Federal law, such as confiscation of pro-union literature and prohibiting workers from speaking about the Union (Bakers”¦ Local #22) during break times. What should we call an employer who routinely hires vulnerable immigrants and then deploys intimidation to thwart union certification drives? Accordingly, Local #22 supports a path to citizenship and endorses the movement for immigrant rights. (more…)

Raise Your Voice

By PETER MOLENAAR CITYPAGES, 2018 People issue: Kate and Carly have renamed Lake Calhoun. We will no longer honor a defender of human bondage. Say over and over: Bde Maka Ska, be-DAY mah-KAH-skah, be-DAY mah-KAH-skah. We might now begin to comprehend the Dakota spirit, once reflected in the Milky Way of the night sky. (more…)

Traitors Among Us

By Peter Molenaar Has everyone heard about the new tax code and its predicted effect upon our national debt? Naturally, the discussion has turned now to cutting Social Security, Medicare, and much more. Yes, money has always corrupted our democracy, but the open talk about having to satisfy “the donors” is new. Effortlessly, Wall Street wealth will now multiply at a faster pace. Arthritis and silicosis are the dividends meant for me. Smith Foundry Christmas party, December 19, 2017: Inadvertently, an old buddy (white male) brushed my shoulder. A Trump enthusiast, he hastened past, not wanting to engage in a stare-down match. No, not every white worker voted for D. T-rump. See the following, as taken from an online post: “Contrary to what those idiots on the Hill believe, people have worked 20 or 30 years and more and have paid into both ”¦. That”'s our money, you morons”¦.” Yet, we are told not to chastise our Trumpsters, because we [...]

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