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Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Levels of Consciousness

By Peter Molenaar Let us recall that the realm of philosophy is divided into two camps.  ”˜Philosophical Materialism”' asserts that the universe existed prior to consciousness, whereas “idealists” believe the universe was created from consciousness. Curiously, the Buddhists among us avoid the mind-body question, choosing instead to seek liberation via introspective meditation.  (Note:  some degree of ascetic detachment is recommended.) “Complete enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings” is the noble goal of the Mahayana.  However, more than two thousand years of this practice hasn”'t achieved very much. So, we must agree with the Marxists that there is a material basis for human liberation”¦which is not to say that the “subjective factor” does not matter.  When acted upon, ideas do become a material force. On the subject of “levels of consciousness,” Lenin had much to say.  In [...]

One Day”¦

By Peter Molenaar March17, about 3:10 p.m”¦. Picked up Camila for a 3:30 rendevous with CTUL.  Camila is a “red-diaper baby” of Chilean descent, recently returned from a tour of Cuba.  Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (CTUL) is a worker”'s center which rallies the community in support of vulnerable low-wage workers.    We drove down Lake Street to the Uptown McDonald”'s. It was protest, not burgers which moved us to follow our bold leaders.  At long last the chanting brought forth a manager.  We then politely requested decent wages and respect for all workers”¦ Hey”¦ There are some 13,000 McDonald”'s in the U.S.  There is “a family of 2,400 owner/operators.”   To join the “family,” a minimum of $300,000.00 of non-borrowed personal resources is required, with a minimum 25% down.  So, with 36,000 McDonald”'s on the planet (enough already!), I suggest we place our [...]

Our Planet Spins

By Peter Molenaar Numerous Ward 9 activists will recall the elongated moment which delivered the DFL endorsement to Alondra Cano on her initial bid for a City Council seat. The democratic spirit had prevailed in recognition of her competence”¦or so it seemed. Ty Moore and the Socialist Alternative were then determined to mount a vigorous challenge. Note: The local Communists wondered why a “socialist” would oppose the ascendancy of a progressive Mexican-American. Moreover, Ty”'s call for a $15/hour minimum wage appeared (at the time) as “easier said than done,” to put it mildly. But things change. On February 16th of this year, it was Ty who held center stage, with Alondra as his guest. Well over 100 activists had gathered at the United Labor Centre for a “$15 now” rally. In turn, Alondra spoke of her family background and then, speaking directly to the master of ceremonies , she reconciled the past and committed her support. As [...]

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