‘Cover Stories’ Archives
Volunteers honored for contributions to Minneapolis parks
By Angela Schneider If it wasn”'t for the thousands of volunteers who selflessly donate their time and talents, the Minneapolis Park System would not be as successful as it is. Their contributions range from gardening and coaching to starting a neighborhood festival and playing vital roles in the creation of a new recreation center. To recognize the essential role volunteers play in the parks, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) presented the Volunteer of the Year Awards at special ceremonies held Wednesday, April 20. Remarkable Volunteer Service Awards were presented to five adults and one group. The Rising Star Award was given to four youth. All honoree contributions embody one or more of the themes set forth in the Park Board”'s Comprehensive Plan including, Environmental Stewardship, Community Engagement, Recreation that Inspires, Safe Places, and Vision and Leadership. REMARKABLE VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD Each recipient of the Remarkable [...]
Commentary NRP Funds”¦Are Mpls. City Hall Democrats still Democrats? Party of Compassion?? Do the Math!! The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Poorer and Neighborhoods, too
By Carol Pass In the midst of watching the destruction of the democratic right of collective bargaining going on next door in Wisconsin, an action bought and paid for by the billionaire Koch brothers, I attended a meeting called by a group of Democratic legislators. A graph was handed out, shown here, of the seriously regressive taxation rates current in Minnesota. Fellow Democrats in the room expressed outrage at years of too much political control by wealthy Republicans and at how regressive taxation has distorted the economy of the American populace into a tiny group of haves and a major group of have nots”¦.so much so that a current magazine with clear legitimacy ran an article entitled ”˜Plutocracy Now!”' (rule by the rich), a play on the name of the TV show ”˜Democracy Now”'. The graph put out by the State Department of Revenue showed those making from $9,000 to $86,000 paying an average of 12% of their income for taxes, while those earning [...]
Phillips and The Alley Go to Harvard
By Susan Gust, Amy AusiÉirithe The Alley Newspaper and its editor, Harvey Winje, have been invited to be a part of The Wendell Phillips Bicentennial Symposium at the Harvard Law School Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, June 2 ”“ 4. This exciting invitation was extended to The Alley because the Symposium”'s scholarly planning committee was enthused to discover a vibrant community with Wendell Phillips as its namesake. They were even more pleased to learn that the Phillips Community has embraced Wendell”'s spirit of discord and discourse as its means to seek justice in the same way that Mr. Phillips did some 200 years ago. Harvey Winje and The Alley Newspaper were invited to attend this symposium and present how the life and legacy of Wendell Phillips inspires our work individually and in the community. Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway”'s poignant Spirit of Phillips cartoons will be also be featured at this symposium as a provocative [...]