‘Cover Stories’ Archives
Five separate suitors seek space in Phillips Community Center (2323 11th Avenue)
by Robert Albee, Secretary of Ventura Village The 9th of July was the due date for submissions to the Mpls. Park and Recreation Board”'s Request For Proposals (RFP”'s) for future use of the currently closed Phillips Community Center. Scheduled for a reopening in early fall, the 49,000 square foot center has been shut down for replacement of heating, insulation and plumbing since November of 2009. Proposals were submitted by: Waite House (Pillsbury United Communities) that would execute a complete relocation from their 13th Avenue and 25th Street location into the PCC facility and The Phillips Community Partnership proposal, which was submitted by Ventura Village on behalf of all four Phillips Community neighborhoods and other long-term stakeholders. SOOS Early Childhood Learning Center (SECLC) is a Phillips-based group proposing to open a day care center. Freeport West, which was a tenant before the building closed down wishes to continue operating a [...]
East Phillips Community Center project set for Completion State and County Add $571,328 for Environmental Cleanup
The EPCC building project is guaranteed completion because $571,328 was made available for removal and replacement of contaminated soil. The Minnesota Dept.of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) and the Hennepin Cty Environmental Response Fund (ERF) were thanked by John Erwin, Mpls. Park Bd. Pres. on July 7th. “The Park Bd appreciates the support this project has received from the State and County. So many people and organizations have worked hard to develop a facility that will effectively meet the needs of many populations and interests, and these funds ensure that the project maintains momentum,” said Erwin. ”¦thanks to Dist. 61A State Rep. Karen Clark and the State Legislature, Cty. Comm. Peter McLaughlin and the HN Cty Bd, Councilmember Gary Schiff and the Mpls. City Council, and Brad and Carol Pass and EPIC”¦” (more…)
Liberty and Justice for all?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA! I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! Once again, on America”'s 4th of July Birthday, we are reminded that some Minnesotans have been in the forefront of efforts to ensure “liberty and justice for all.” For example, there were many early leaders of the movement to abolish slavery right here in Minneapolis. Paul Hawken reminds us that, “abolitionists were the first people to create a national movement to defend the rights of those they did not know. Until that time no group had filed a grievance except on behalf of itself. The founders of this movement were largely unknown”¦and their goal was ridiculous on the face of it: at that time three out of four people in the world were enslaved.” And yet there were people right here in Minnesota that we did know who had been denied “liberty [...]