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‘Cover Stories’ Archives

June 28, 1934 ”“ September 1, 2016 Knowles Dougherty Remembered

June 28, 1934 ”“ September 1, 2016  Knowles Dougherty Remembered

A Love Letter BY ROBERT ALBEE I doubt that many Alley readers have been actually invited to a funeral or a memorial by the deceased”¦ That”'s kind of what happened to many of us, who attended a huge September 17th gathering to honor and remember Knowles Dougherty at the Guild Hall of the Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis. He wrote: “This happening will take place whether I am able to make it or not.” (He passed two weeks before on September 1st.)What an honor and joy it has been to share the same neighborhood street”” just a block down from Knowles Dougherty! At age 82, he planned a Thanks To You party to invite all those he had known and even grown up with, to one-last-shindig! We were greeted with a wide range of musical offerings ranging from Sara Olsen”'s taiko drumming, to choral numbers by duets, quartets, and sextets”” all accompanied by “heavy hors d”'oeuvres”. And then, we were offered gifts including [...]

April 28, 1943 ”“ August 1, 2016 Jim Northrup Remembered

April 28, 1943 ”“ August 1, 2016  Jim Northrup Remembered

By Laura Waterman Wittstock The early 1970s were an important time for American Indian journalism and one of its favorite pastimes was to take satirical looks at contemporary life in the varied communities across the United States, known as “Indian Country.” Federal lawmaking and policy began to flower, so it was natural for the American Indian Press Association to locate in Washington, D.C. This national news service began in 1970 and sent weekly news reporting out by mail to over 150 American Indian print newspapers and newsletters. They, too, were proliferating and could support the news service. It isn”'t clear who came up with the handle, but an erstwhile Indian everyman became known as “Luke Warmwater.” Sometimes he was an Indian journalist, and sometimes he was just the foil of the many jokes about representations of those inept individuals who resided on the ends of the political spectrum. Then he died, as that phase of Indian journalism died [...]

Commentary On ”˜Reframing Minnesota,”' Paint the real stories

Commentary On ”˜Reframing Minnesota,”' Paint the real stories

BY LAURA WATERMAN WITTSTOCK My writer”'s instinct reacted to the metaphor, “reframing Minnesota,” as a failure to see the content within the frame. So I decided to follow that, by beginning with a hard look at the large painting that sat in the Minnesota governor”'s reception area. It is the source of controversy about whether the painting should remain in the state Capitol, once the extensive renovations underway now are completed. It is seven feet four inches by ten feet ten inches wide. In this painting, government officials are on a raised platform and Native people are sitting submissively on the ground. It is a grand view of the signing of the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux (1851), and of the painting, the Minnesota Historical Society describes the Native people as being dressed in “barbarian finery.” In another painting of the same size we see Father Hennepin depicted standing with a great gesture while seemingly submissive Native people sit [...]

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