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Tuesday July 16th 2024

‘Health’ Archives

Vaccination Facts, Datos Sobre La Vacuna, Xaqiiqooyinka Tallaalka

Vaccination Facts, Datos Sobre La Vacuna, Xaqiiqooyinka Tallaalka

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The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

TIPS FROM A COVID-19 CASE INVESTIGATOR By LINDSEY FENNER As I am writing this in late April, I have just gotten my first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. After doing pandemic response work for almost a year, it was an incredibly emotional moment for me, as I know it has been for many people. My tears of joy were matched by the broad grin of the man getting vaccinated across from me, his elation clear through his mask. But my joy in getting vac- cinated has been tempered by the cold reality of rising COVID cases in Minnesota. At work, we watched the numbers slowly inch up in the month of March, and then saw them pick up speed in April. We don”™t know when this latest surge in Minnesota will peak. I desperately hope that by May, the worst will truly be behind us, but right now, as I write this, we just don”™t know. Why have cases been rising again? Perhaps the biggest reason is the growing dominance of the variant strain B117. B117, the variant [...]

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